PRC 1977 10 18
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
October 18, 1977
City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chainnan, Joe Betz. Commission
members present were: Pat Boyle, Shirley Chellis, Mary Muehlhausen, Phyllis
Pope, Denis Stedman, Walter Coudron.
Phyllis Pope made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Denis
Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Lloyd Grobel from the Chanhassen Athletic Association was present. Lloyd
discussed the background of the C.A.!. and how it raises funds and supports
programs for the children in the Chanhassen area. He related to the dangerous
conditions that the hockey program is being conducted under. There is
insufficient illumination on the hockey rinks where the program is carried on.
Phyllis Pope asked about the number of participants in the program last year.
Lloyd estimated there were about one hundred and fifteen registered last year.
He also stated that there were about four hundred children on the ice each week
and, in addition, adults use the rinks.
Shirley Chellis asked how much it cost to join C.A.!. Lloyd informed us that
there was an annual membership fee and in addition each activity has a registra-
tion fee. The fee for hockey ~.s $5.00 for 7 and 8 year olds and $20.00 for 9
through 14 year olds. The reason for the older participants is indoor ice time
is rented from various arenas.
Phyllis Pope asked when their proGram usually started and ended. Lloyd
explained that the !)rop;ram usually starts the second week in December and
continues into March. The teatlls play in the Scott-Carver League and also the
State Hockey League.
Pat Boyle made a motion to have the Community Services Department initiate
action to install a new electric service in the wanning house with enough
capaci ty to provide adequate lighting for the hockey and general skating
rinks. Mary Muehlhausen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Commission asked the Community Services Director to meet with the C.A.!.
Hockey Committee to determine what was needed to bring the lighting up to
adequate limits for their hockey programs.
Shirley Chellis made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
:Denis Stedman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
,... Francis A. Callahan
Community Services Director