PRC 1977 12 06 :; . #"'" Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Tuesday, December 6, 1977 Old City Hall The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Joe Betz, at 8:20 p.m. Members present were: Pat Boyle, Francis Callahan, Walter Coudron, Mary Muehlhausen and Phyllis Pope. A motion was made by Pat Boyle to accept the minutes of the November 1st meeting. The motion was seconded by Phyllis Pope. A motion was made by Mary Muehlhausen to accept the minutes of the November 8 meeting. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Both motions carried. The January meeting was set for January 10, 1978. Fran Callahan reported that all the equipment is here for the hockey lights. The work will be done as soon as possible-the temperature must be above 00. Fran reviewed the information on where the money is coming from to pay for the lighting. He also had a readout of money spent and on hand in the Park and Recreation Acquisition Fund as of today less $1,357 which was paid today for excavating Western Hills Park. Western Hills Park ~ There was a discussion on the drainage. Phyllis Pope made a motion that the City Engineers have a representative present at the January 10th meeting to review their plans on the drainage. The committee would also like to be informed about the checkdam. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. There was also a discussion on the impact that the new road MSAS 101 will Jhaveoonl::lihe :porld.. The Park and Recreation Commission was unaware that there is a storm sewer draining into the pond. Phyllis Pope made a motion to have the city remove the hazardous equipment (fallen trees, fence posts, barbed wire) at the Laredo Drive entrance to the park. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. Phyllis Pope recommended that signs be posted for the park banning motorized vehicles, and prohibiting hunting and trapping. Pat Boyle asked that the Commission check out the requirements for having the park designated a Natural Wildlife Refuge. Joe Betz reported that someone has dumped a washing machine, hot water heater and other junk into Rice Marsh Lake, behind Chanhassen Estates t,.... ,,'Park--the SW end of the park. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Page 2 December 6, 1977 ".... Joe Betz recommended that a representative from the Chanhassen snowmobile club be invited to attend one of our meetings to discuss snowmobile trails. The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the minutes of the November 21, 1977 City Council meeting. It should be noted that exception is taken to the Council's preliminary approval of the Santa Vera apartments, specifi- cally, that the development does not meet the requirements of Ordinance 14, a resolution which was passed June 6, 1977. Phyllis Pope made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission meet with the City Planner to review the plot prior to City Council's acceptance of the development contract. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. Joe Betz stated that the City should identify when Ordinance 14 applies and, when it does not, so say why. Mary Muehlhausen made a motion that Lake Ann Park be opened during daylight hours, weekdays and weekends, and plowed minimally to the first parking lot so people can park their cars to cross country ski and bird watch. This will be on a trial basis-to be reviewed at our next meeting. The motion was seconded by Walter Coudron. Motion carried. (~ Fran Callahan reviewed the accomplishments of tm Park and Recreation Commission during the past year: new tennis courts, lighting for the hockey rinks and the possibility of a LAWCON grant for Lotus Lake. A motion was made by Mary Muehlhausen to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. It was seconded by Walter Coudron. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Francis A. Callahan ~ ,.... ParK anp Recreation Commission Minutes Tuesday, December 6, 1977 Old City Hall The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Joe Betz, at 8:20 p.m. Members present were: Pat Boyle, Francis Callahan, Walter Coudron, Mary Muehlhausen and Phyllis Pope. A motion was made by Pat Boyle to accept the minutes of the November 1st meeting. The motion was seconded by Phyllis Pope. A motion was made by Mary Muehlhausen to accept the minutes of the November 8 meeting. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Both motions carried. The January meeting was set for January 10, 1978. Fran Callahan reported that all the equipment is here for the hockey lights. The work will be done as soon as possible-the temperature must be above 00. Fran reviewed the information on where the money is coming from to pay for the lighting. He also had a readout of money spent and on hand in the Park and Recreation Acquisition Fund as of today less $1,357 which was paid today for excavating Western Hills Park. {~ Western Hills Park t~ There was a discussion on the drainage. Phyllis Pope made a motion that the City Engineers have a representative present at the January 10th meeting to review their plans on the drainage. The committee would also like to be informed about the checkdam. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. There was also a discussion on the impact that the new road MSAS 101 will haveoon:the pond. The Park and Recreation Commission was unaware that there is a storm sewer draining into the pond. Phyllis Pope made a motion to have the city remove the hazardous equipment (fallen trees, fence posts, barbed wire) at the Laredo Drive entrance to the park. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. Phyllis Pope recommended that signs be posted for the park banning motorized vehicles, and prohibiting hunting and trapping. Pat Boyle asked that the Commission check out the requirements for having the park designated a Natural Wildlife Refuge. Joe Betz reported that someone has dumped a washing machine, hot water heater and other junk into Rice Marsh Lake, behind Chanhassen Estates - Park-the SW end of the park. r,... (~ IC,. .,..... Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Page 2 December 6, 1977 Joe Betz recoJDlDf:)nded that a representative from the Chanhassen snowmobile club be invited to attend one of our meetings to discus,S, snowmobile trails. The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the minutes of the November 21, 1977 City Council meeting. It should be noted that exception is taken to the Council's preliminary approval of the Santa Vera apartments, specifi- cally, that the development does not meet the requirements of Ordinance 14, a resolution which was passed June 6, 1977. Phyllis Pope made a motion that the Park and Recreation Commission meet with the City Planner to review the plot prior to City Council's acceptance of the development contract. Pat Boyle seconded the motion. Motion carried. Joe Betz stated that the City should identify when Ordinance 14 applies and, when it does not, so say why. Mary Muehlhausen made a motion that Lake Ann Park be opened during daylight hours, weekdays and weekends, and plowed minimally to the first parking lot so people can park their cars to cross country ski and bird watch. This will be on a trial basis-to be reviewed at our next meeting. The motion was seconded by Walter Coudron. Motion carried. Fran Callahan reviewed the accomplishments of tlB Park and Recreation Commission during the past year: new tennis courts, lighting for the hockey rinks and the possibility of a LAWCON grant for Lotus Lake. A motion was made by Mary Muehlhausen to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. It was seconded by Walter Coudron. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Francis A. Callahan