PRC 1976 02 03 Ifl""" Park and Recreation Commission H'ebruar;'l 3, 1976 Chanh~ssen C~tv Hall The re~u18r meeting of the P~rk an~ Recreation Commission w~s called to order by the actin~ Ch8i~m~r, Joe Betz, at R:1 ~ p.m. ~hp fol1ow~n~ membe~s we~~ n~o~ent: Joe Ret~, Pat Boyle, Denis Stedman and M~r~arpt Thomnson. Dwight Leatham was absent. Election of Officers: A, motion "Tas marie "hy P~lt Boyle ~md seconded by Marga~et Thompson, that Joe Betz be named Chair- man of the Park and Recreation Co~mission. Motion carried. ~ mot~on was made by Mar~aret Thompson and seconded hy Pat Boyle that Denis Stedman will remain at the office of Vice Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion carried. Rps~anation: ~he resirrnation of Pov Roeser has official]v neon accepted as of Fe~~Da~y ), 1Q~~. The motion wasm;d~ "hv Pat Boyle anri seconded bv MarP:8ret 'T'homnson. Motion c.'"~rri erl. ","'" Ann]icant: Ron Berg ann]ied for a nosition on tho P~~k and Recreation Commission, and was accepted as a member on Febrw'!ry 3, 1976 hy a motion m:'!r10 hy M9Tcraret Thomnson and seconded hy Pa~ Bovle. Motion 'carried. Note To Karen: Please send 8 short letter to Ron Berg informin~ him that he has heen accepted as a member of the Park and Recreation Commission. Also let him know that the next meeting.~ will be on Februarv 17. 1976. .. u It was noted that the Park and Recreation Commission does not have renresentation at the Bicentenia1 Commission. It was also noted that the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre raised apnroximately $?,500 to restore the old Vi]la~p Ha 11 . ,... Atten08flce: Cl1airman Joe Bet7, wi 11 c()nt~ct D\Mi p-ht Le~tham, re~~rding his attendance. It was noted th~t his next absence will be at least his third time in a row to miss a Park and Recreation meptin~. Dwtight will be asked if he is interested in remaining as a member of the Park and Recreation_ Co~mission, if not, he has the oution of resi~ning. Park and Recreation Commission FebruAry 3, 1976 ChAnhassen City Hall Note to Karen: The Park and Recreation Commission would like to have it publicized in the paper that there is a vacancy on the Park and Recreation Board. Applicants can either apply in writing or appear in~erson at the next meeting which will be held on February 17, lq76. ...".,I Ordinance: The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the Manle Grove ordinance. The Manle Grove ordinance was revised to the Park and Recreation's standards. Chairman Joe Betz will hrin~ a rough draft of the revised Chanhassen ordin2nce to the next meeting. Lake Study Committee: It was brought to attention that maybe the Lake Study Committee might be turned over to the Park and Recreation Commission. The Park and Recre- ation Commission agreed that they would take it over under one condition, that they would h;ve the right to re- organi~e it. Chairman Joe ~etz may go to the council and ask for time or have someone from the Lake Study come and talk to the Park and Recreation Commission in regards to what has been done so far. joe Betz will look into it further and renort back to the Commission what the Lake Study committee is doing. .J A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Margaret Thomnson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. TIME: 9:40 Jayne Cavins Secretary -'"