PRC 1976 02 17
Park and Recreation Commission
~ February 17, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called
to order by Chairman Joe Betz, at 8:00. The following members were
present: Joe Betz and Pat Boyle. Denis Stedman, Dwight Leatham, and
Margaret Thompson were absent. Ron Berg was also present.
Minutes A motion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Joe Betz to
approve the February 3, 1976 minutes. Motion carried
Resignation The resignation of DwLght Leatham has officially been
accepted as of February 17, 1976. Tne motion was made by Pat Boyle
and seconded by Joe Be~z. Motion carried
New Member Ron Berg has officially been accepted as a member of the
Park and Recreation Commission as of February 17, 1976. Ron Berg
was officially sworn in By Chairman Joe Betz. Ron will be taking
Roy Roeser's position on the Commission.
Lake Study Committee It was brought to the Commissions attention
by Ron Berg that it is not the Park and Recreations responsibility
to take over full responsibility of the Lake Study Committee, but merely
to appoint a member to attend the Lake Study meetings. The Park and
Recreation was in agreement with his statement.
It was noted that the Lake Study Committee and the Ecological commission
would be united into one committee. The intent of this new committee
would be to define the zoning for all wooded areas.
Pat Boyle felt that there is no need for the Park and Recreation to
have representation on the Bicentenial Commission.
Karen Please contact the Bicentenial Commission and ask them to
come and talk to the Park and Recreation Commission at their conviem
convienence. The Park and Recreation Commission would like the Bicen-
tenial Commission to talk about their plans and intentions for the
proposed Park area around the Town Hall.
Ordinance The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the rough draft of
the revised Chanhassen Ordinance. The Park and Recreation Commission
will review the ordinance further and will vote on it at the next meeting
which will be held March 2, 1976.
Park ~nd Recreation Commission
February; 17 ~ 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
Karen Please send out copies of the revised Chanhassen Ordinance to
Margaret Thompson, and Denis Stedman.
Tennis Courts The Park and Recreation Commission is waiting on the
tennis courts until they get figures on Both, prices and land use.
Action Item Joe Betz suggested to the Park and Recreation Commission
that something should be put in the paper to publicize that the Park
and Recreation Commission is looking for areas that would be suitable
for park sites. People with suggestions could give them in writing
or pictures of the land could be used. All suggestions would need full
approval before anything further would be done.
The Park and Recreation Commission would like to find out what it
would cost to have an independent company to survey the area for park
Youth program Joe Betz brought to the Park and Recreation Commissions
attention that there is a need for a Youth Planning Committee. Joe
Betz wondered if the Park and Recreation would be willing to work with
the youth of Chanhassen, not only in recreational activities but also
in employment, health, legal, and other youth services. The commission
felt that there was a need for such a committee, but they also felt that
it was not the Park and Recreation Commissions responsibility to get it
It was felt that Community Schools could overtake it better than the
Park and Recreation Commission. Joe Betz will bring it up at the
next Community Schools meeting.
Joe Betz suggested that Park and Reoreation Commission set up goals
and objectives that they want done for the Year 1976 so things will be
sure to get accomplished.
Kay Klinglehutz The Park and Recreation Commission would like to recieve
a copy of the 1976 budget. Also, the use of the funds would like to
be known, such as if there is seperate funds for specific areas.
Note CAA softball will be discussed at the next meeting which will
be held on March 2, 1976. Director of Sommunity Schools Jim Jones
should be contacted in regards to the summer swimming program. It
would like to known if he will handle it again this year and if so,
what he will offer.
Park and Recreation Commission
February 17, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
A motion was made by I>at Boyle and seconded by Ron Berg to adjourn
the February 17, 1976 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission.
Motion carried.
Time: ~:30
Jayne Cavins