PRC 1976 03 01 Park and Recreation Canmi.ssion March 1, 1976 if"'" Chanhassen City Hall '!he regular rreeting of the Park and Recreation Canmissior was called to order by Chainnan Joe Betz at 8 :00 p.m. The following members were present: Joe Betz, R::m Berg, Pat Boyle, and Margaret '!hcmpson. D:nis Stedman was absent. Also attending were: ChuckJ. Hirt, Lale Gregory, Doris Clark and Shirley Chellis. MINUI'ES: A notion was made by Ibn Berg and seconded by Margaret Thompson to approve the February 17, 1976 minutes. M)tion carried. FIRE DEPT. SOFTBALL 'IOURNAMENI': Dale Gregory presented a request on behalf of the O1anh.assen Fire D:part:Irent, for the use of Lake Ann Park ball field facilities during the M:norial Day weekend. After general discussion, a nntion was made by Ibn Berg and seconded by Margaret '!harpson to pennit the Fire D:pt. to use the fields on Saturday and Sunday, pending approval by the City Clerk, as usual, and upon notification to the Chanhassen Athletic Association, that these two dates were unavailable for their use. !btion carried. ACl'ION ITEMS: CAA has not met with the Park am Recreation Conmission regarding intended facilities usage for spring arrl smmer, 1976. Contact Dale Geving to appear before the Park and Recreation Camlission as soon as possible. (Joe Betz) ,,-.,. GENERAL PARK PREPARATION: Dale Gregory reported that there we no major pending ooncems for opening Lake Ann Park on schedule. Dale indicated that the bike paths. might be black-topped by opening as proposed. General discussion followed. ACI'ION ITEM: The current bike paths": to Lake Ann Park may traverse private property. If this is so, the City must confinn that these owner(s) will pennit those path sections to be black":"topped. (Lloyd larson) . ACl'ION ITEM: Bob Williams and/or Jim Jones of Minnetonka Ccmnuni ty Schools requested specific lake side life guard supplies to available this year (1976) (Le. poles). Either or both of these individuals should be contacted to review with Dale what items already exist and what might be ordered. (Joe Betz). INmRVIEWS: Shirley Chellis and Doris Clark appeared before the Park and Recreation Camri.ssion for a position on the Corrmission. After talking with both individuals, the Corrmission decided to table decision on their applications and to continue interviewing for the two (2) open positions. The main reason cited was that both people are fran the Minnewashta area, that this area is already represented on the Corrmi.ssion, and that the Sunrise Hills, GreerMOOd Shores and Carver Beach areas are not represented specifically. lCl'lONITEM: Ka,;cen's O:>mer should continue to indicate that positions are a.va;i.lable on the Park and Recreation Canmi.ssion. (Karen Engelhardt) . r ACl'ION ITEM: Joe Betz is not receiving Councilor Planning Chnmission minutes. Karen, please copy for distribution to Park and RecreatiX)n Canmi.ssion Chairrren. (Karen Engelhardt) . .' Page 2 ACl'ION ITEM: '!he PalX am Recreation Carlnission has not received a copy of the City Budget, nor a copy of the Park and Recreation Corrmission btrlget, rx>r a copy of the Janucu:y and Februcu:y accounting ledger sheets. Kay Klingelhutz please make these available for the next Park and. Recreation Q:mm:i.ssion meeting. (Kay Klingelhutz). ~. TENNIS CDURTS: Pat Boyle rep:>rted that m finn info~tion is available regarding tba prop:>sed joint deve1o~t of termis courts at O1arlhassen E1arenta:ry School. Pat will continue to pursue this topic, with the intent of obtaining the cost carparison of 2 vs:. 4 courts at tba proposed location. PARK ORDINANCE: '!he PalX and Recreation O:mni.ssion continues to work on a revision to Ordinance #14. Joe Betz will re-type the proposed ordinance and sul::mi tit to the City for general review. . CDMv1UNITY FACILITIES REVIEW: Ibn Berg su1:mi tted a copy of a Conmuni ty Facilities and Public utili ties St1.rly, for review by tba Q:mm:i.ssion. IOn feels this study might generally define the scope and nature of a similar study to be nndertaken by the PalX and Recreation Comnission. <DAIS AND OBJECI'IONS: objectives for 1976. Joe Detz asked the o:>nmission to define its goals and General discussion followed. citing the following topics: IDPIC3: (0. 1. '!bur current and p:>tentia1 park sites in Chanhassen. 2. Define role and fumtion of Park and Recreation Ccmnission. 3. Define the park and recreat1i:ona1 needs of the City. 4. Develop a plan to better infom the acmrnmi. ty regarding park and recreation faci' 0 il 5. Assure that the Park and Recreation Comnission is involved in any prop:>sal .....-I to re-organize the City govemrrent. 6. Develop a Carprehensive Capital Inprovarents Program for the Park and Recreation Coomission. 7. Inprove O:mnunications between the Park and Recreation Camnission, the City Cbunci1 and other Comnissions. 8. Initiate a Funding Program(s) Study. 9. Objectively consider the justification of a full ti.nejpart ti.rre Park and Recreation Director. Discussion to be continued at the next rreeting. A notion was made by Ibn Berg and seconded by Pat Boyle to adjourn the n:eeting. l-btion carried. TIME: 10:40 p.m. Joe Betz O1ainnan ....,I