PRC 1976 03 16 ".... Park ~nd Recreation Commission March 16 1976 Chanhassen City Hall The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz, on March 2, 1976 at 5:10. The following members were present; Joe Betz Ron Berg, Pat Boyle, Denis Stedman, Margaret Thompson. Dick Dutcher, Jim Jones, Brenda Urke, John White, Ken White and Richard Lyman were also present. Minutes A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Ron Berg to amend the minutes of March 2, 1976 under Fire Dept. Softball tournament, it should read as "Dale Gregory presented 8 request on behalf of the Chanhassen Fire Department for the use of Lake Ann Park Ball facilities during the weekend of June S,and 6, 1976." Motion Carried ,,.... Slow Pitch Softball John White and Ken White were both present to discuss a 1976 slowpitch softball season. The lack of bases was the largest complaint brought out at the March 16, Park and Recreation Commission meeting. Comnlaints varied from lost bases to no bases at all. Ken White noted that there were three (3) sets of bases at the beginning of the seasnn last year. No one has check on where the bases are or how many are left. Joe Betz pointed out that it is almost impossible for the Park and Recreation Commission to keep track of where every base is at all times. Pat Boyle suggested that the Gatekeeper keep three (J) bags for the Babe Ruth field, the other sets of bases will remain on the fields they are assigned. Dragffing was also a complaint brought to the commissions attentio~. Park and Rec. would like fo~ the team that is going to be using the field to drag it themselves when it is not already drug for them, a hand dragger would be kept in the building. The Park """"d Recreati on Commission would like it defined wh8t equippment would be needed for the teamssto drag it themselves. Joe Betz will get back to CAA in writting about the details at a later time. ...) Stickers It was noted that Karen orders stickers of different colors for different nights. Joe Betz would like an estimate on how manv will be needed, for Wednesday night only. The Commis~ion would like to see the price of a sticker remain at $1. , ,.... ~" Park and Recreation Commission March 16, 1976 Chanhassen City Hall """" Community Schools Jim Jones and BrendaU'rke distributed their annual spring program. Community Schools proposed to have their summer playground events around the same plan as it was in previous years. It was noted that West Junior High School was no an ideal spot, because since it wasn't in walking distance, mothers had to take their children every time-it met. The cost for t day, once a week for the playground at West Junior High School was $400. Any suggestions for aplayground site would be appreciated. Preliminary Stage Community Schools has come up with a new idea for summer fun, it is a concession stand. The concession stand would be purchased through Community Schools and move around from spot to spot at such areas as the playgrounds, or beaches. It was estimated that the concession stand could profit Chanhassen $2000 or more. A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded by Margaret Thomnson to support the concession stand idea. Motion carried. :\ Swimming The middle school will provide swimmin~ lessons for those who want to take advantage of it this summer. Buses will transfer kids over to the middle school from all parts of the school district. Community schools requested that a tower, two (2) umbrellas and safety poles be purchased for this years summer swimming program. ...." Everything Goes Community Schools would like to have a representitive from Chanhassen attend a Press Conference March 19, 1976 at 3:00. The Everything Goes tournament will be held at Minnetonka High School. One third of the team must be made up of people under 25, one third must be 25 - 40 and the last third must be over 40. Denis Stedman made a motion to favor the Everything Goes program, and also to have Margaret Thompson attend the meeting on March 19, 1976. The motion was made by Ron Berg. Motion carried. Teens Outings for teens were part of the Community Schools summer program. These outings were such things as short- term (1 day) outings, or longer-term ( 3-4 days) events taking place in June, July and August. An example of the placgs that are scheduled is Boundary Waters. ..."I Ecological Study Dick Dutcher gavp a brief d~scussion of what the Ecological Study commission is doing. It was noted that the nnmp h8s hppp ('~!'''''Z?d from TaKe Study " " Park' and Recreation Commission March 16, 1976 Chanhassen City Hall Commission to Ecological Study CommissioD. Village Hall Richard Lyman was present to give a brief discussion on what has been done in regards to the Old Village hall. The Chanhassen benifit raised over $2000. The grounds around the Village Hall is still an open question, although it was dfficided that they would be last to be completed. A "Picnic in The Park" was dis- cussed, it would resemble Chaska's celebration. Park and Recreation was in agreement with the idea. Goals and Objectives The commission was in agreement to table discussion on Goals and Objectives until a further date. A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Ron Berg to adjourn the March 16, 1976 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion carried. ~ Time 10:45 Secretary Jayne Cavins ,....