PRC 1976 04 06
Park and RRcreation Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
A pr i 1 6. 1 976
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission
was. called to order by Chaiman Joe Betz at 8:20. The
following members were present: Joe Betz. Ron Berg.
Pat Boyle, Denis Stedman, and Margaret Thompson. Chuck
Hirt was also present.
Minutes A motion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by
Ron Berg to approve the March 16, 1976 minutes. Motion
Fcolo~ical Commission It was reported that the Ecological
Commission has a new task and function as of the Februarv
17. 1976 meeting. Among these tasks is an inventory of U
all lakes. It was noted that the Ecological Commission
is not an independent commission. they report to Planning
commission which in turn reports to the City Council.
New CitY_Administrator Don A~hworth was present to give
thR Commission a brief discussion of his background. He
was in agreement with the Commission that there is a
serious need of contact with the City Hall. Don gave his
views on the Community Schools program, commenting that
it looks like a very good urogram with no large drawbacks.
Tennis Courts The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed
the progrss on the tennis courts. Prices and figures
for the blacktop, lighting etc. will be brought to the
next meeting. The commission is pushing for a completion
date between June 1; 1976 and June 15, 1976.
Park Use The Park and Recrecreation Commission recieved
a written request from Mrs. Beverly Gromek and Tom Fennell
to use the Lake Ann Park Facilities.
Mrs. Gromek's Brownie troop requested use of the
park facilities on May 1, 1976 or May A, 1976 from 10 a.m.
~o 2 p.m. The browni~ troop consists of 50 - 70 people.
Tom Fennell's group of 75 people from Covenant Church
in Excelsior requested use of Lake Ann facilities from
June 14, 1976 thru June 18, 1976, at 1:00 to 4:JO on
each day. They would be transported to Lake Ann by two (2)
It was pointed out that the Commission could not stop
people from entering Lake Ann Park, and that they could
on Iy discourage largR ~<?:rollps from using the faci Ii ti es.
Park and Recreation Commission
Chanh~ssen City Hall
A pri I 6, 1976 '
General discussion on such things as bus fees, liability
insurance, and the use of a permit was held. Don Ashworth
suggested that the two (2) parties be sent a letter, trying
to discourage the use of Lake Ann. Also included in the
letter would be guidelines including a $10 bus charge,
a need of liability insurance, and also the need of a permit.
A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Ron
Berg stating that the Park and Recreation Commission feels
that Lake Ann does not have the resources to handle either
type of outing. There fore a group of this size would
put an excessive strain on the Park's facilities-resources.
For this reason the Park and Recreation recommends that a
nermit be denied if applied"for. Motioh Car~ied.
Action Item Joe Betz felt that the Commission should become
more e~ficient in getting things done. Short~term as well as
lonp;-term projects should be assigned to specific neople.
~hen if 8 pro~lem aris~es it should be brought to the
Comrrissions attention.
Action Item It was noted that during the next Park and
Recreation Oommission meeting Goals and Objectives ~
going to be defined. The Commission members were asked
to bring back ideas and suggestions to the next meeting.
Communitv Schools The Park and Recreation Commission
completed a letter sent to them from the Minnetonka
Community Schools Services. Playground sites, swimming
areas, swimming hours, concession truck, and tennis
courts were amohg the many topi6~which 'were "questioned.
Action Item If for any reason a Park and Recreation
Commission member should have to be contacted, the
nhone numbers are listed below.
Ron Berg
Pat Boyle
Denis Stedman
Margaret Thompson
Joe Betz (Chairman)
Park and Recreation Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
April 6, 1976
A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded by Denis
Stedman to adjourn the April 6, 1976 meeting of the
Park and Recreation Commission. Motion C~rried.
Time 10:40
Jayne Cavins