PRC 1976 04 20
Park and Recreation Commission
April 20, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
Picnic In the Park It was estimated that the crowd would be
somewhat smaller than the crowd that Frontier'Days 1975 attracted.
Also mentioned was the point that there would be controlled rest-
room facilities.
A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Pat Boyle
to endorse and supnort whole heartedly the proposed Picnic in the
Park celebration. Motion carried.
Applicants Mrs. Lois White and Mrs. Phyllis Pope were both present
at the Auril 20, 1976. Both Mrs. White and Mrs. Pope came before
the Park and Recreation Commission for anosition on the Commission.
Chairman Joe Betz asked both parties questions about Lake ann and
their view points on different subject matters. Mrs. White has been
a resident of Chanhassen for eighteen (18) years. Mrs. Pope has
been a resident of Chanhassen for eleven (11) years. After Chairman
Joe betz explained the duties of a Park and Recreation Commission
member, the decision was tabled until later in the April 20, 1976
Park and Recreation Commission meeting.
Ball Fields Denis Stedman who was scheduled to discuss the schedulir
of the ball fields was absent. Chairman Joe Betz suggested having '""*'
a calendar which would be kept up at Chanhassen City Hall which
would be used only for SCheduling games at the ball fields. One
person would be in charge of it, this would make scheduling a lot
more easier and neater. A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded
by Pat Boyle to arldopt the idea of halving a calendar kept ~p at
city hall, and also to have it maintained only by City Hall personel.
Motion Carried. Joe Betz will purchase the calendar.
Community Schools Brenda Urke, and John Englehart came before the
Park and Recreation Commission to discuss the 1976 summer play-
ground site and program. Discussion was held on the standirg for the
1976 budget. Brenda exnlajned to the commission what some complaints
that she heard quite frequently abo~t. last years summer playground
site. examples are listed below
too hot-caused because of no shade
difficult to do some profects because of facilities
Lake Ann WRS a possible playground site, talked about at the April
20, 1976 P8rk and Recreation meeting. It would be used two (2)
afternoons a wpek.
Park and Recreation Commission
April 20. 1976
~hanhassen City hall
. . "'"
Community Schools A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and
seconded by hon Berg to h~ve the Community Schools summer playground
program be located at Lake ann Park two (2) afternoon sessions a
week. Motion Carried
Permit It was noted that the Brownie Troop leader came before
Don Ashworth seeking a peemitt to use Lake Anri Park facilities.
Don said that all he could do was discourage use of the Park and
that he could not stop them from using it.
General discussioon of the commission on enforcement of the ordinance
was held. It was noted that as of April 20, 1976 there are no
penalties for peo Ie or groups who do not obey the permitt law
which is written in the ordinance. The commission will meet With
Don As worth to review the ordinance.
New Members The four (4) canidates for a position on the Park and
Recreation Commission are as follows:
1. Doris Clark
2. Lois White
3. Phyllis Pope
4. Shirley Chellis
General discussion was held on the four (4) candidates, reviewing
all points. A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded by Pat
Boyle to accept Phyllis pope as a member of the Park and Recreation
Commission. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Pat Boyle and
seconded by Margaret Thompson to accept Shirley Chellis as a member
of the Park andRecreation Commission. Motion Carried
Bike Path A letter was read to the commission regarding the
bike path on tGp way to Lake Ann Park. In the letter i+ was
wr~tten that there is no objection to the city bl~ck toPpin3
H,,-, a] ready RT8ve 1 path.' A motion was made by Pat Boyle and
seconded by Ron Berg to get the bike path ready for black topning
by May 2, 1976. Motion carried.
Action Item A copy of the letter titl~Minnetonka Public Schools
should be give to both papers, an extra copy should also be kept
up at City Hall.
Tennis Courts Pat Bovle discussed what the tennis court issue has
done since last disc~ssion on it. It was noted that two (2) tennis
courts had been tenatively scheduled. Pat read a letter from
I"""'- Don Ashworth to the commission informing them of the costs etc.
Park and Recreation Co~mission
A pr i 1 20, 1 976
Chanhassen City Hall
Tennis Courts Included among the costs were ~uch things as:
Fencing $5,500 (painting and nets also included)
wind screen $2,000
It was also noted that a recomendation should be presented to the
council on May), 1976. Final Bids would be in by May 1), 1976.
Road restrictions would be taken off on May 15, 1976. And
Construction on the tennis courts would start on may 17, 1976.
A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by RonBerg
to recomend to the coucil that the City Of Chanhassen enter into
joint powers with School District 1112 to construct tennis courts.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Ron berg
stating that the P~rk and Recreation commission would be willing
to participate up to $12,000 in the funding of the construction
of the tennis courts. Motion carried.
It was brought to the commissions attention that CAA donated $500 to
the Park and Recreation Commission to use on the tennis courts. It..""
was agreed on that the money would be used for such things as lighting
and not just put in along with the other money used for only constructio
Ordinance 14
been found.
Post pone discussion until further information has
Discussion on Ordinance 14 will resume on ~ay 4, 1976.
Western Hills Park The Park and Recreation Commission would like
a presentation on the property in the western Hills Park, also
an evaluation of the land would be appreciated. The Fark and.
Recreation Commission would like to see the document showing how
is was ploted and also how it got dedicated. Also wanted in a
copy of a man showing such things as elevation.
Goals and Objectives The goals and objectives for the year 1976
for the Park and Recreation are as follows:
Park and Recreation Commission
April 20, 1976
",.... Chanhassen City flaIl
I. Goals
A. Develope a defeninition of the m6st effective organizational
structure for the Park andRecreation Commission to operate under
during the fiscal year 1977-78.
B. Qualify and Qugntify the status of Park and Recreational facilities
as of the year 1976.
II. Ob.;ectives
A. Evaluate and define the role and function of the Park and Rec-
reation area of City Government and to submit that conclusion to
the City Counc;l for its consideration in the re-organization
of local government.
B. Establish and Maintain a centralized documentation file for
Park and Recreation Commission at City Hall
C. Develop the mechanism for monitoring and maintaining existing
resources (land, facilities, etc)
D. Develop the criteria / mechanism for establishing ~ resources
(Acquisition of land, facilities, etc)
E. Assign specific responsibilities to the Park and Recreation
commission members relative to the commission, beyond other assigned
affiliations (ie. community schools)
F. Prepare a statment of facilities for distribution to the community
at large. (n8mphlet)
G. Identification of creteria for the definition of active and
passive recreational areas.
A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded by Pat Boyle to adjourn
the April 20, 1976 Park and Recreation Commission meeting. Motion
Time 11:50
! "....
Jayne Cavins