PRC 1976 05 04
Park and Recreation Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
May 4, 1976 v .
The regular meeting of the Park ann Recreation CO'~mission was called
to order on May 4,-1976 by Chairman Joe Betz at 8:00. The following
members were present: Joe Betz, Ron Berg, Pat Boyle, Phyllis Pope,
Shirley Chellis, Denis Stedman, Margaret Thomnson. Ken White,
Mike Walsh, and Warren Carlson from Babe Ruth softball were also
Minutes Joe Betz tabled the minutes until further time.
Babe Ruth Softball Tournament Warren Carlson came before the com-
mission with details and t~e history of Babe ruth baseball. Among
things mentioned were such things as, Babe Ruth baseball is a National
oriented 13 - 18 year old game.- It was mentioned that Chanhassen
is gOlng to host the 13 year old state tournament this year 1976.
The policy of Babe Ruth Baseball was also read including rules and
regulations. The tournament will include 11 districts, Chanhassen
wii]. be the 12th district included which will have a representative
team. The tournament will last from August 13, 1976 through August
20, lQ76. It will include approxim~tel~ 220 players, 40 coaches
and managers, and 440 fans. a total of approximately 700 people.
The CAA would like for the Park and Recreation Commission to
provide aderllJite facilities, provide campgrol1nd facilities,8nd
to have the city encourage the spirit and give a cooperative effort.
The State Babe Ruth tournament will be held at the Legion Field.
The regular baseball, anri softball season will be over. so no conflicts
should occur.
A motion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Ron Berg to recommend
to City Council to supnort the Babe Ruth State ~urnament which will
be held on August 13,.1976 through August 20, 1976. Motion carried
Money made
through this tournament will be from such things as the
$50 entrance fee from each team
$ 1 (=I head
%100 of all concession stand profits
Flag Pole Don Ashworth, City administrator came before the Park and
Recreation Commission in behalf of theBicentennial Commission to
express the desire to put a flag pole up at the entrance of L8ke
Ann Park. The pole would be approximately 30 feet in length.
A motion was made by Ron Be~g and seconded by Denis Stedman to accept
The Bicentennial Commissions request to errect a flag pole at the
entr?nce of Lake Ann Park. Motion carried
Power Don Ashworoth also discussed the request from the Bicentennial
Commission to run power down to the information sign at Lakf-' fmn Park.
Joe Betz would like to see a copy of the report the Jerry was going to
provide for the Park and Recreation Commission.
A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded hy Dennis Stedman to
agree with the concept of running power down to the information
sign at Lake Ann Park, but if money is needed the Bicentennial
Park and Recreation Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
May 4, 1 976 .
Commission should get back to the Park and Recreation Commission.
Motion Carried. -'
It was a~reed unon that new members will fill unexpired commission
members positions on the Park and RecreationC'ommission.
Lake Ann Excelsior United Methodist Church came before Don Ashworth
requesting use of Lake Ann-facilities to conduct a "church in the open"
It w0111d last from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on June 6,1976. It was
noted that the park was being used on June 5, 1976 and also on June 6, 19
by the Chanhassen Ere Dent. It was suggested that exerts from the ordi-
nance be copied onto the back of the application, hoping that maybe
that might change some groups' mind about using the park.
Clarification The Park and Recreation Commission would like it clar-
ified that the motion that appeared in the April 6, 1976 minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission which read: A motion was made by
Denis Stedman and seconded by Ron Berg stating that the Park and
Recreati~n Commission feels that Lake Ann does not have the resources
to handle either type of outing. Therefore a group of this size
would nut an excessive strain on the Park's facilitiies-resources.
For this reason the Park and Recreation recommends that a permit be
denied if applied for. Motion Carried. applied only to the two (2)
apnlicants, Mrs. Gromek's brownie troop and also Tom Fennell's groun
from the Convenant Church in Excelsior. .
Western Hills Park Warren Carlson came b(-'fore the commissi on in regen..."l
to the Western Hills Park. A groun of people have formed a committee
wh~ch is looking into tbe park "in ~reat-deiail. Warren had two (2)
reql1ests to ask of the Park and Recreation Commissi on, they were:
1. Request that Park and Recreati~n Commission reccomend
to the city council that no further plans or work is
made until Warren Carlson can get back to the Park and
2. Request that the access of this park be defined by way
of surveying.
A motion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Ron Berg to accept both
requests made by Warren Carlson. Motion Carried.
Tennis Courts Pat Boyle reported on the standing of the tennis courts.
Last Thursday April 29, 1976 tl1e School board accepted to go 50/50 in
the costs of the tennis courts which are to be erected at Chanhassen
~lementary. The school board added that they would pay up to $7,500.
It was mentioned that the tennis courts will be fenced in all the way
around and also they will provide a wind screen.
Bicke Path A question about the sign on the bike path was brought up
by Pat. Boyle. It was noted that the sign is presently located right
in the center of the bike pa th, it was q11estioned if it would have to
remain there, since it could not only be a nuisance but also a hazard. "
Park and Recreation Commission
Chanhassen City Hall
May 4, 1q76
Ordinance 14 The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed Ordinance 14
in great detail. Amonp thin~s discussed were such topics as: units
ner acre, number of neople served, undeveloped property, charge for
sewer, water and park development. Dan Ashworth will provide another
ordin~nce to use as a guideline and also for suggestions. It was
decided that the final document for legal review will be completed by
June 15,1976.
Minnesota Valley ~ational Wildlife Recreation Area Ron Berg gave
a discussion of the proposed Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Rec-
reation Area. He mentioned some of the ideas behind the idea. He
adcL?d that there are allot of good ideas but that it is still in the
planning stage.
A motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded by Denis Stedman to rec-
omend to the City Council to supoort Senator Mondales bill for the
proposed Minnesota Va lley National Wildlife Recreati em Area. Motion
Miscellaneous Margaret Thomnson distributed "Everything Goes" tickets
to all members of the Commission. Each member recieved 10 tickets
selJin~ for ~2.00 a piece.
~ motion was made by Ron Berg and seconded by Denis Stedman to
~diourn the May 4, lq76 meeting of the Park and Recreation Com-
nissjon. Motinn carried
Time: 10:30
Jayne Cavins