PRC 1976 05 18 / "" ".... r- Park and Recreation Commission Chanhassen City Hall May 19, lq76 '- The re~lJlar meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz on May 18, 1976 ~t 7:)0. The following members were present: Joe Betz, Margaret Thompson, Shirley Chellis, Phyllis Pone, and Denis Stedman. Tom Follrath from the Fish and Wild life service was also present. Pat Boyle was absent. Park Site Mrs. Loveth came before the commission with a suggestion for 8 nark site which she feels would make a beautiful natural Park. The area consists of approximately ten (10) acres which is located on Lotus Lake. The Park and Recreation Commission is invited to take a tour of the land. Quest The Chanhassen Elementary Quest program came before the commission on the matter of Bike Trails. The Quest representitives elaborated on the following points: 1. Is there a need? 2. Advantages of bike trails J. Disadvantages of bike trails 4. Problems now 5. Suggested routes for bike trails. Fish and Wi1_q}lJ.?_~~ Tom Follrath was present along with a slide and tape presentation which he played for the commission. Tom Follrath is a representitive from the Fish and Wildlife service. The fish and wildlife service has formed a hooklet describing the plans which will be carried on. The booklet is entitled "The Min- nesota Valley National Wildlife Refupee~ The slide presentation pre- sented by Tom Follrath included the, Proposed iV1innesot~1 Valley National WilcJl~fe Recreation Area. It was mentioned th~t the bill was intro- duced to the Senate, the Senate Congress 6mmittee passed it on to the Senate, which will pass it on to the house which will pass it on to the President. Land It was mentioned that most of the land which will be used is privately owned, and will have to be purchased by the National Fish and Wildlife services. Eden Prairie Master Plan Chairman Joe Betz will skim through the eden Prairie Master Plan copying certain main parts and sections for the Commission to review. It was suggested to the Commission to have someone from Eden Prairie to come before the Commission to review and inform them briefly about the Master Plan. Newsletter Joe Betz refered to the newsletter from last year to form this years newsletter. Certain topics remained the same and a few changes were made. Changes made to the newsletter are as fol- lows: Added-Park ordinance, Park use permitt required, Tennis lessons available, Two (2) addittional tennis courts, Sign up for reserved courts. A change in the reading of the ball fields read, fields generally are not available for use out of Chanhassen. Tonics left as they were are aQ follows: Park Stickers, Ball fields, Tennis courts, and the Beach reminders. ? Park and Recreation Commission Chanhassen City 11all May 18, 1976 Don Ashworth A proposed Park Acquisition Ordinance was presented to the Commission by Don Ashworth. The ordinance would take the place of the existing ordinance. After reviewing the ordinance which Don Ashworth presented the commission was in agreement that the Commission should get as much input on the different topics as pos- sible. The commission will review the general policies of each ordinance and get back to Don Ashworth at a later date. Discussion of the ordinc:mces wi 11 be 'continued at' a later time. --' Baseball Diamonds A suggestion was made by the commission to check into the land by the Waterpump on highway 101 for the possible use of little league baseball diamonds. A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Shirley Chellis to adjourn the May 19, 1976 meeting of the Park and Recreation Com- mission. Motion carried. Time 10:15 Secretary Jayne Cavins f ...,;11 ...J