PRC 1976 07 06
~r. -
Park am Recreation <:brrmission
July 6, 1976
O1anhassen Ci. ty Hall
'lhe regular :rreeting of the pazk am Recreation Ccmni.ssion was called to order by
Chainnan Joe Betz at 8:05 p.m. 'lhe follDwing rrerrbers were present: Joe Betz,
Phyllis Pope, Shirley O1ellis, Denis Stedman and Pat Boyle. Ron Berg and Margaret
'lharpson were absent.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Public Hearing on prqx>sed Ecklund and SWedlund developnent on
Highway 101 is July 14, 1976 at 8:00 p.m.
MINUTES: 'lhe minutes of the last meeting 'Were not available.
INVEN'IDRY OF PARKS AND EQUIPMENT: 'lhe carmi.ssion discussed pari<: sites, public
accesses to lakes, and eqiri.pnent inventory prepared by Phyllis Pope. 'lhere were
sore revisions made am ronpleted inventory (as well as map) will be incltrled
in the next city newsletter.
ACI'ION: A notion was made by Phyllis Pope and seconded by Denis Stedrran to put a
sign stating the termis rules at the new tennis rourts at the elenentary school
(same as the ore at Lake Arm Pazk) as soon as possible. M::>tion carried.
ACI'ION: GarlJage cans are needed at (l) Tennis <:burts at O1anhassen Elementary School;
(2) Carver Beach Boat Lan:1ing and (3) Minnewashta Boat Landing.
ACTION: Sign needed at both Carver Beaches: NO PETS, 00 WATER SKIn~G'FROM
<l1anh.assen City Park Ordinance
PARK ORDINANCE #14: Pat Boyle novedthat we approve the proposed revision of
Ordinance 14 for review and editing by the city administrator and Park am
Recreation Carmission chainnan. Seronded by Denis Stedman. M::>tion carried.
A notion was made by Denis Stedman am seconded by Shirley O1ellis to adjourn the
TIME:: 10:05 p.m.
Pat Boyle
Acting Secretary
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