PRC 1976 07 20
Park and Recreation Commission
July 20, 1976
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to
order by Chairman Joe Betz at 7:55 p.m. The following members were
present: Joe Betz, Phyllis Pope, Denis Stedman and Pat Boyle. Ron
Berg, Shirley Chellis and Margaret Thompson were absent.
Joe Betz. does not have a copy of the June 15, 1976 meeting minutes.
Public Hearing - Ecklund/Swedlund: It was attended. It is up to the
City Planning Commission regarding the proposal of Ecklund/Swedlund.
Mrs. Lovetang cited three reasons that a study should be made:
1. Five or more acres or wetland.
2. Fifty or more units of development
3. A change in Purgatory Creek
The present proposal does not include a public access. A public beach
would mean a lot less traffic for Mrs. Love tang.
Inventory: Phyllis Pope went to Greenwood Shores, Chanhassen Estates
and Chanhassen Elementary School. There are four picnic tables, two
grills and poles fDr volley ball net. Trees could be planted since
there is no shade. Ball field dimensions have not been gotten as of yet.
Phyllis will try to get them for the next meeting.
Newsletter: Nobody has volunteered to take it over.
Signs: Signs should be up soon for the tennis courts. Phyllis Pope
to call someone to get signs out to Carver Beaches.
Garbage Cansr More cans are needed on the beach areas.
Phyllis Pope moved that we accept the minutes of July 6, 1976. Denis
Stedman seconded. Motion carried.
PROPOSED ORDINANCE #14 REVISION DRAFT Revisions were made and will
be typed. The last section would have to be updated every year.
The type of site developed would give a different rate of inflation.
What would be located on this site would be important. A formula of
any type is needed that can substantiate the Park and Recreation'
Commission's position. It must be comprehensive enough to use for years.
The Park and Recreation Commission should have some say as to how that
formula is developed.
Pay Boyle made a motion that we recommend to the City to adbpt the
revised neighborhood Park Ordinance #14. Denis Stedman seconded.
Motion carried.
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Park and. Recreation Commission
July 20, 1976
Page 2
According to Don Ashworth, the green surface is coming up due to someonE
playing on it with hard-sole shoes. The combination of metal racket, -'
non-soft shoes, with hot weather could perhaps do this to the surface.
The court on the east is not as bad as the court on the west. Pat Boyle
called the City to tell them what was happening with the courts.
Lake Ann tennis courts may have to be resurfaced also. A cost on the
courts was not available at the time of the meeting.
Denise Stedman made a motion that we have the City Administrator contact
the contractor who built the tennis court to get his opinion on the
surface and why it has deteriorated so quickly. This should be done
immediately before payment has been made. Phyllis Pope seconded. Motion
Joint Powers Agreement is still not back from the schools. The windscreen
has not been purchased. This is being held up until the Joint Powers
Agreement has been signed. The total cost to-date has been paid. Joe
Betz will call Don Ashworth to check if the windscreen can be a~ded to
the total bill if the Joint Powers Agreement has already been signed.
A call was received by Joe Betz that the owner has made a permit to
build adjacent to the park. Legally, there is no way to prevent this.
If this piece of property is potentially available, dees the Park and
Recreation Commission want to pursue it any further. The map shows
that there was an intent to develope this land into a park area.
Denise Stedman made a motion that we pursue further the development of
Lake Ann Park as originally proposed on the sketch plan of 1970. Pat
Boyle seconded. Motion carried.
The current budget has been kept accurate through May. About two
months behind. All information for the preparation of budget is needed.
Bike paths should be considered further' in this type of a budget.
Expansion of bike paths between lakes.
Pat Boyle to hunt around for all information on the budgets for the
last two years.
Pat Boyle suggested that a full time or part time Park Director should
be considered in the budget.
Denis Stedman to check with the CAA as to what ~hey need and want from
the Park and Recreation Commission.
The Park and Recreation Commission will be scrutinized by the City
Council to justify our expenses with the Community Schools. Must be
prepared to justify position.
Park and Recreation Commission
July 20, 1976
Page 3
The Park and Recreation Commission needs a definition of the funds
that are available.
The new members on the Park and Recreation Commission would like a
copy of the budget from last year and a copy of all appropriate
ordinances (i.e. park ordinance, ordinance that institued the Park and
Recreation Commission). The Park and Recreation Commission would like
Don Ashworth and Dale Gregory to be present at the next meeting.
Discussion on development of a master plan for parks in Chanhassen was
There is a problem with inflatables. Joe Betz read a letter from
Jim Jones, Community Services Director for the Minnetonka Community
Services regarding this problem. A girl is using inflatables outside
the roped-in area. The question is, would the City of Chanhassen be
liable if anything happened to children demanding to swim outside the
roped-in areas. The conclusion was drawn that Jim Jones should be the
person concerned with the legal problems of this.
The Park and Recreation Commission received a bill for three T-shirts
for "Everything Goes" totaling $6.90. Community services can only pay
for 24 of the shirts.
Pay Boyle made a motion that the City pay for the extra T-shirts.
Invoice #8983 dated May 31, 1976, from the Aldritt Athletic Goods Co.
Denis Stedman seconded. Motion carried.
Pay Boyle received a job description from the Chaska Director. It will
be brought to the next meeting, and a copy will be given to the members.
Denis Stedman made a motion that we request the gate-keeper
to park his car in back of the tennis courts. Phyllis Pope seconded.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Denis Stedman that the City purchase the name
plates for the Park and Recreation Commission members. Pat Boyle
seconded. Motion carried.
Denis Stedman made a motion meeting be adjourned. Phyllis Pope seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 9155 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Wostrel, Secretary
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