PRC 1976 08 03 Park and Recreation Commission ',..... August 3, 1976 Chanhassen City Hall The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz at 8:20 PM. The following members were present: Phyllis Pope, Pat Boyle and Margaret Thompson. Absent were: Ron Berg, Shirley Challis, and Denis Stedman. Interested persons present: Dale Gregory and Don Ashworth. APPROVAL OF JULY 20, 1976, MEETING MINUTES: Phyllis Pope made a motion that the minutes be approved as typed. Pat Boyle seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. {~ REVIEW OF ~ffiETING OF JULY 20, 1976 AND ACTION: Inventory: Phyllis Pope has finished the inventory of the schools. Newsletter: Call Gail Stone if you are interested in taking on this,job. Si~ns: All the signs requested by the Park and Recreation Commission should be available and posted by August 4, 1976. Garbage Cans: Dale Gregory suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission add a few more garbage cans to the beach area. Garbage piBk-up is done twice a week; once on Monday and then on Friday. Phyllis Pope suggested that the smaller cans be placed by the tennis courts where less garbage is thrown and the larger ones be put by the beach area. It was suggested that more garbage cans should perhaps be picked up for next year. Ordiance #14 Revision: This has been passed on to the Planning Commission and the City Attorney for review. Tennis Courts: All action items on this and other projects which appear in the minutes should be coordinated with Don Ashworth before proceeding. The contractors have given the City more paint for tennis court surfaces. It was suggested that the tennis court sign b:e made to read until "5:00" thus allowing children rnore playing time after school. A block should be made with 5:00 on it and placed over the 4:00 thereby enabling changes in times to be made easily. Lake Ann Property: Joe Betz, Don Ashworth, and Bruce Pankonin will meet with the owner to discuss what can take place. LAKE ANN PARK DISCUSSION: Dale Gregory gave his proposals. A walking mower is needed. The one that is used now is not big enough for park use. A new mower should cost between $500 and $600. Walking mower has higher wheels and larger blades and sits out in front. It's made more for commercial use. tl"" Split rail fence should be extended both ways. A few cars are driving around the fence. Would cost around $425. Opinions from the Park and Recreation Commission wer:erequested. Fence would run from the park entrance to east and west property lines. Park and Recreation Commission August J, 1976 City Hall of Chanhassen Page 2 Garbage can covers and posts are needed. A rough cost estimate is $400 for 40 can covers and 40 posts for all areas. that need them. The posts ~ are needed to chain the garbage cans. Chain link fence around the ball fields would cost $5.50 per foot. Enclosure would be made just where the snow fence is now located. The snow fence on some fields are very bad so either snow fence or chain links will be needed for replacement. Six-foot fences are recommended so people are not as apt to get hurt. ~here are 440 feet for the two soft- ball fields and 510 feet around the baseball field. The total cost would be about $7700. The north Little League field would cost about $2475. This would include posts, top rails, ties and fence. Maintenance and concrete are not included in this. This figure was gotten from Century Fence. <: Dale spoke to Henry Wrase regarding sand for Lake Ann. Also, the weeds are coming through. A chemical called Aqualthal was suggested which could be applied to the beach to kill the weeks. Sand would cost approx- imately $1.10 per ton. Sand is needed to fill up the drop off. The cost of the Aquathal would run about $75. Hoc~yrink will get by this year with repair but around $1000 will be needed to repair it for next year. The plywood is being chewed away. New plywood and braces would be needed. A brand new fence would be around $2000. The drawback in repairing the plywood would be that plywood requires more up-keep. It was estimated that between $200 and $JOO was spent each year on repairs. This does not include labor cost. Dale Gregory recommended the""plank since it would be a lot sturdier. No repai~ have been made on the plank fence other than painting. Greenwood Shores does not have many items because too much damage is being done there each year. The Park and Recreation Commission have received requests to upgrate the ball diamond at Chanhassen Estates. Dale Gregory was wondering how much use was given skating rinks. the Chanhassen Estate Greenwood Shores does not have a skating rink. Would consideration be given in getting a skating rink in that area. Pat Boyle to check with their association to see if they would want a rink there. Approximate cost of $1200 would be needed to put in better lighting at some of the dark spots on the hock~y rinks which some of the larger leagues use. This would be two posts in the center equipped with two lights on each post. Utilities run close to $500 per year. No complaints have been received on the bike paths. The lifeguards have not yet received their blow hOInor ring buoy. According to Don Ashworth, the ring buoy has been ordered and he will recheck on the blow horn. .-, ',... (~ .1""-. Park and Recreation Commission August 3, 1976 Chanhassen City Hall Page ~ there is a lack of parking space. A memo was received from the Police Department by Don Ashworth saYlng that most of the tickets given were on ball playing nights. Pat Boyle suggested that we ask the gate keeper to check in the next two weeks to see if there isreally a large parking problem out at Lake Ann. Pat Boyle suggested that since it is not that crowded on non-ball playing nights, it would be too expensive to invest in a new parking lot. It was suggested that if the parking lot was established it would be for over-load in the flat area which would be the furthest parking lot going down to the lake area. Western Hills Park needs things done with it. Don Ashworth will meet with the engineer on Thursday, August 5, 1976, to go over the basic guidelines. The survey work will need to be done first, then the topography. At that point, someone from the Park and Recreation Commission should take a look at the park. Pat Boyle to take on this assignment. Don Ashworth suggested seeding in the fall instead of laying sod. Priorities would be the picnic tables, boardwalks and benches. The cost last year was $80 per picnic table. Shrubs and trees would be needed also in the budget. Phyllis Pope suggested that we use what is there in relation to shrubs and move them into the picnic area instead of just destroying them. Joe Betz suggested an approximate figure of $750 for this. The check dam should have the first priority. That may cost close to $500. There is still $2979 in the acquisition fund which could be used. Bike paths were discussed. It was suggested that $1000 should be budgeted for bike path segment No.2. Phyllis ~ope will check if Federal funding would be available. Park and Recreation Director was discussed. Don Ashworth voiced the opinion that the Park and Recreation Commission was in no position to obtain a full-time Park and Recreational Director. He suggested that one or two school districts could provide someone to act as a coordinator and advisor to the Commission. It was suggested that if the Park and Recreation Commission could get a contract situation that through joint efforts of Chanhassen, Chaska and Minnetonka schools someone could be gotten with each paying a certain percentage. Joe Betz was of the opinion that~the Park and Recreation Commission needs someone of physical and mental talents on a full time basis. Technical assistance is needed. Margaret Thompson voiced the opinion that someone is needed to draw up a growth plan and analyze what is needed. Pat Boyle suggested that we include $12,000 to $14,000 in the budget for a Park and Recreation Director. At the next meeting, the budget should be finalized as to what areas should have priority. Brenda Urke and Jim Jones to be invi"ted to the next Park and Recreation Commission meeting to be held August 17, 1976. There will be a Regional Trails Advisory Task Force meeting on August 17, 1976, at the Metro Square Building in St. Paul at 7:00 PM. Park and Recreation Commission August ;3, 1976 Chanhassen City Hall Page .3 Dale Gregory's proposals on equipment will be sent to Don Ashworth. -' ADDITIONAL BUDGET REVIEW: Don Ashworth would like to receive the reports and budget proposals by the end of this month. Walking Mower: Dale Gregory thinks this is a necessity. This should be listed as high priority on a mechanical list. Split rail fence: This should be listed about second on the list of priorities. Garbage can covers and posts: Worst ones could be done first, therefore, this is not a real priority. Chain Link Fence: Dale Gregory to check to find out how much a new snow fence would cost. A snow fence appears to be more dangerous than a chain link fence. Margaret Thompson suggested that perhaps an advertise- ment board could be used as is done elsewhere thus cutting the cost of the chain link fence for us. Pat Boyle suggested that we jus~ put in the fence on the north field for $247~. for this year. That would include 450 feet. ( AQuathal and sand: These two items are needed badly. Pat Boyle suggested that we get this in right away since the drop off is about two feet and in an area where many children swim. High priority. Hock~y Rink: It was suggested by Joe Betz that maybe something could be~ worked out with the lumber company to do it now but put it in the budget for next year. There ~ $500 in the budget for this year. Without the boards, hockey could not be played, therefore, this is high priority. Perhaps the CAA would be interested in this. Phyllis Pope suggested that perhaps the hockey rink would be a better place to put advertisement boards. The choices are whatever is done on the hockey rink would be with existing funds and then obtain more funds elsewhere or put $1000 in the budget for next year and use the $250 we have left for ~epairs. Don Ashworth suggested that the logical approach would be to squeeze by with as little expense as possible for this year and then budget more for the next year. This is rated high priority. Dark spots on Rinks: Since only a few coaches have mentioned this, it would be put low on the priority list. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION: Phyllis Pope suggested that resurfacing of the tennis courts at Lake Ann would take priority over fence for ball fields. The estimated cost to resurface would be about $t500. Don Ashworth suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission look at the capital side in listing their priorities. Additional ~arkin~ for Lake Ann was discussed. The Police Department have been receiving complaints from citizens being ticketed out there saying """"" ,.... ( )If"""'- ,... Park and Re~reation Commission August 3, 1976 Chanhassen City Hall Page .5 Margaret Thompson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Pat Boyle seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:4.5 PM. Respectfully submitted, Jane Wostrel, Secretary