PRC 1976 09 07 Park and Recreation Commission Notes .~ September 7, 1976 The meeting was canceled due to lack of quorum. Discussions were held. Those members in attendance were: Joe ~etz, Phyllis Pope and Pat Boyle. Absent were: Denis Stedman, Margaret Thompson, Ron Berg and Shirley Challis. Interested persons present: Bruce Pankonin and Rick Sather. ECKLUND/SWEDLUND LOTUS LAKE PRK: Bruce Pankonin presented Plan F. The Park and Recreation Commission is to be concerned with the park areaJ approximately nine (9) acres, location and specific details. There are approximately 144 dwelling lots on 84 acres in this development. Where the park is now being proposed would not be cent- rally located and on very flat open land. There could be a publfuc access to the park on Hiway 101. Pat Boyle suggested an additional walk way to the pond area from the north side. City jurisdiction would mean no changes in the conservation. f~ Pat Boyle and Phyllis Pope suggested that the 50 foot easement from the 100 year storm elevation be dedicated to the City of Chanhassen. Phyllis Pope suggested that since Lotus Lake is a large asset to the City of Chanhassen, we should be very concerned as to what is done with the lake. The Park and Recreation Commission recommended that the area defin.i:tely does need park land. The parcel of land north of Sandy Hook Road and East of Lotus Lake and vvest of 101 and South of the Ecklund/Swedland proposal be seriously considered as potential park dedication for the City of Chanhassen. GREENWOOD SHORES: There can be no skating rink placed in Greenwood Shores because they were unable to obtain land to be flooded. LAKE ANN PARK EXPANSION: Nothing new to report. WESTERN HILLS PARK: The entrance should be filled before winter. BUDGET: Del Gregory called Joe Betz regarding the lawn mower which was not placed on the budget. The Park and Recreation Commission recommended that the lawn mower be given a priority of one (1) on the budget. The Park and Recreation Commiss~on suggested that Kay Klingelhutz be asked to attend the next meeting to discuss this year's and last year's budget through August 31, 1976 and the accounting procedures. ,....., "J.. Park and Recreation Commission September 7, 1976 Page 2 ,r MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSIONS: Phyllis Pope will do more research on the Joint Trails Commission and bring it back to a future Park and ~ Recreation meeting. There are positions vacant, due to lack of attendance, on the Park and Recreation Commission. The tennis court situation at Chanhassen Elementary has still not been resolved. The final bill has not been presented to any member of the Park and Recreation Commission as of September 7, 1976. The Park and Recreation Commission would like Kay Klingelhutz to present any account status and payment status on the Chanhassen Elementary tennis courts to the Park and Recreation Commission at its next meeting. Discussions ended at 9:)0 PM. Joe Betz Chairman ...." jiw ....."