PRC 1976 09 21 , ,..... ~ tr .. Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes September 21, 1976 The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz at 7:45 PM. Those members present: Shirley Challis, Margaret Thompson, Pat Boyle, Phyllis Pope and Denis Stedman. Approval of August 17, 1976 Minutes: Correction should be made on Page 1, paragraph 3. Chanhassen Esta>::s do not have a tennis court; NOT "would like another". Pat Boyle moved to accept the minutes as mailed with the correction. Shirley Challis seconded. Motion carried.' Resignation of Ron Berg: Pat Boyle moved that the Park and Recreation Commission accept the resignation of Ron Berg with regret. Shirley Challis seconded. Motion carried. Action: The Park and Hecreation Commission suggested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Ron Berg for his participation in City Government. Western Hills Park: The filling-in has been started in the entry going down to the park and the rest will be worked on in the spring. Phyllis Pope and Don Ashworth went to vVestern Hills to check on the progress. It is the opinion of Phyllis Pope that the area staked out is a little larger for a park than originally discussed. Pat Boyle to check on whether there would be a large drop into the marsh thus causing danger for children. Bill Breskinsky has agreed to talk to the contractor to see if he would be willing to also grate the fill to a degree. Phyllis Pope and Pat Boyle to recheck on these problems by the next Park and Recreation meeting. Bi-Centennial Commission -- Picnic in the Park: Dick Dutcher was present. The picnic in the park which was held in May of 1976 received much fav'Jrable response. 'Therefore, it is the opinion of the Bi-Centennial Commission that a new body perhaps take the picnic on as an annual event since the Bi-Centennial Commission will be dissolved by the end of 1976. If the Park and Recreation Commission would agree to do this, the lay-outs and all other pertinent information could be made available to help in planning the event. The 1976 budget for this project was $300. Lacal organizations were more than willing to have concession stands. A suggestion was made that perhaps in future years either a softball tournament or a demonstration game could be held. Dick Dutcher will provide an evaluation of the 1976 picnic in the park. Joe Betz made a motim that the Park and Recreation Commission enthusiastically support the Ci-Centennial's proposal to take on the picnic in the park on an annual basis. Margaret Thompson seconded. Motion carried. Park and Recreation Commission -2- September 21, 1976 ( Shorewood Cathcate Park: Members of Shorewood were present. Shore- wood has been maintaining a park which is located in Chanhassen. They would like to have the Chanhassen's Park and Recreation -' Commission's approval on their park plans. Shorewood pays all the maintenance expenses for this park. This park is located north of Hiway 7 and consists of almost five (5) acres. 'It is located on the Shorewood-Chanhassen border. The Shorewood committee met with the Chanhassen City Council in July and it was their suggestion that the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission be contacted. Cathcate Park now has one (1) tennis court, hockey rink, volleyball/basketball court, swings and a baseball field. They would like to put in a warming house for the winter which would also serve as a community service center in the summer. This park is not and will not be open to organized softball league since this is a residential district. There is no real profit in this park for Shorewood. Any money made is spent on the clean-up committee in the summer and hopefully to pay for the attendants for the warming house in the winter. Pat Boyle moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the Chanhassen City Council that they approve the warming house as presented by the Shorewood Park and Recreation Commission and the Shorewood City Council for Cathcate Park since it will be used by both citizens of Shorewood and Chanhassen, Shirley Challis seconded. Motion carried. Shorewood Park and Recreation Commission would like to have a join'!; meeting with the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission to discuss long-range park plans. Ecklund/Swedlund PnD: At the City Council meeting, t,he City Council voted to table Plan F. ..." MISCELLANEOUS Lions Club: The Lions Club is interested in arranging with the Park and Recreation Commission to get together on a long-range plan for a development in Lake Ann. The Lions Club would make a development with the Park and Recreation Commission's approval. They would like a Lions Club project. The Lions Club to come to a Park and Recreation meeting and make their presentation. They will provide all the manpower and supplies. l CAA:The Park and necreation Commission, at some future date, will arrange to have the CAA meet with the Park and Recreation Commission for a discussion on goals and Objectives. New member: Commission. candidate. A new member is still needed for the Park and Recreation The name of Ron Roeser was brought up as a possible Ecological Committee Representative: Since the resignation of Ron Berg, a new representative to the Ecological Committee is being sought. Shirley Challis has agreed to be the representative with her first meeting scheduled for September )G. J ,"'" ~ . ,.... Park and Recreation Commission -3- September 21, 1976 Chanhassen Elementary Tennis Courts& The total cost comes to $15,458.93, which would include the Eurchase of the windscreen. Therefore, this if $458.93 over the ~7500.00 which each party has agreed to pay. Pat Boyle to approach the school board and ask them to pay half of the $458.93 also. Lake Ann Park Extension& Pat Boyle moved to table the request of Mike Gorra for a proposed new creek crossing for his driveway. Shirley Challis seconded. Motion carried. Shirley Challis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Pat Boyle seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9&50 PM Respectfully submitted, Jane Wostrel, Secretary for Joe Betz, Chairman