PRC 1976 10 05 ,.... Park & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes October 5, 1976 The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Joe Betz. Members present were: Phyllis Pope, Shirley Chellis, Denis Stedman and Margaret Thompson. Interested persons present were: Don Ashworth, Walt Hobbs, Nick Waritz and Hud Hollenback. Members absent were: Pat Boyle. APPROVAL OF SEETEMBER 21, 1976 MEETING MINUTES: Correction of the wOI'd,"Cathcart'" was made. 'Shirley Ghellif!: made a motion to approve the minutes. Phyllis~Pbpe':seconded~'. Motion carried. y..... DISCUSSION OF LAKE ANN PARK: Discussion was held regarding the possible extension of Lake Ann Park. Don Ashworth gave a brief summary of the situation. Mike Gorra, owner of the attached parcel, has made an application for a building permit and has a right to develope that property. He has to receive approval from DNR for cVDssing of the creek which is what is slowing him down. He wants to put a house in a location where the City could not take the property. He wants the house on a high piece of ground near the lake; about 400 feet from the lake. The question is does the City want to do any more with this issue. The parcel consists of approximately 70 acres for the whole site. The feeling by Don Ashworth is that it wofuilld be a very expensive piece of property. The land was purchased by Gorra in 1973. The question is would the City consider increasing this park or would they prefer spending the money elsewhere in Chanhassen. Walt Hobbs commented that the land would be great but the question would be where the money would be coming from to fund the purchase and the development. Approximately $100,000 is left out of the original bond issue. Ecklund/Swedlund owns the piece of property East of Lake Ann Park. The joint trail system, once developed, would appear to run right through Gorra's property. Denis Stedman made the statements that he felt this 70 acres;} would have a very limited recreation use to it. The idea of spend~ng more money. for hockey rinks, ball fields and more active reareation would seem to suit peoples' needs better. (;1'" Park & Recreation Commission October 5, 1976 Page 2 Joe Betzl I:fCChanhassen grows in population, we would need to increase Lake Ann Beach either to the east or the west. -# Nick Waritzl Wou1d there be a possibility of' acquiring 200tf'eet deep of' Lake shore? $10,000 has Qeen put aS$de in the proposed budget f'or an option to buy. This -to . go~bef'ore the (li'ty eouncil s~on. There would be a possibility of' giving Gorra money with the Option to Purchase; thus insuring that we would have it at smme time. Joe Betz felt that what also should be inc~uded in the estimate would be the cost of' merely putting our case together for development of' this property. . In applying f'or a grant to help f'und this parcel, a problem may be with it's lack of' priority. The Gorra parcel is about 1J20 f'eet wide. It has been suggested that other areas of the City be looked into for more community parks. f An idea was brought forth that perhaps the property owners on both sides of' Lake Ann Beach be approached and ask for a"ballpark',' figure on what monies would be needed f'or the purchase per acre. ~ When the intercept goes through the easement would then belong to the City, but ~his easement may not be what is needed f'or the trail system. Perhaps more priority shpuld be placed on a community services study as to what the growth of Chanhassen will be and the needs, etc. The Park and Recreation Commission will put together a preliminary proposal for this piece of land. Individual maps should be provided so each member could study the park for passive and active reereation possibilities. Following the Lion's Club presentation at the October 19, 1976, meeting, the Park & Rec- reation meeting will consist of' a work night f'or a proposal of Lake Ann Park. FILE CABINET I The Park & Recreation Commission needs a file cabinet. This should be placed on the budget under miscellaneous. HUNTING I hunting. The north side of Rice Marsh can not be used f'or Permits are needed for hunting on all pieces of' property. ...,i Park & Recreation Commission October 5, 1976 Page J ,..... HOCKEY RINK LIGHTS: The whole lighting system has been shorted out by rodents chewing at the wiring beneath ground. The cost o~ replacement would be $700 and money was not budgeted ~or this in 1976. New lighting, extra lights and new boards are all needed. Something should be done since this involves a lot of children. A light meter was suggested ~or the cost o~ the electricityo It was suggested that perhaps the wiring did not meet code since it was installed last year. This should be checked on with the contractor. CRAB APPLE TREES:- LAKE ANN: Holes have been dug but trees have not been purchased. Phyllis Pope made a motion that 'the Park and Recreation Commission give Henry Wrase $50 ~or the planting o~ these threes. Denis Stedman seconded. Motion carried. JOINT TRAILS MEETING: Meeting will be held on the second Thursday o~ each month i~ anyone is in~erested, call Phyllis Pope ~or ~urther in~ormation. LIONS CLUD DEVELOPMENT - LAKE ANN: On the October 19, 1976, agenda, the Lions Club will make their presentation on a possible development ~or Lake Ann Park. WESTERN HILLS: Nothing has been started todate. l Shirley Chellis made a motion meeting be adjourned. Phyllis ,~ Pope seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM. Respect~ully submitted, Jane Wostrel, Secretary ~or Joe Betz, Chairman l.~