PRC 1976 10 19
Park & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 19, 1976
The regular meeting o~ the Park & Recreation Commission was called
to order by Chairman Joe Betz at 8:00 PM. Members present were:
Shirley Chellis, Pat Boyle, Margaret Thompson and Phyllis Pope.
Absent: Denis Stedman.
moved that the minutes be accepted as written.
seconded. Motion carried.
Shirley Chellis
Margaret Thompson
LIONS CLUB PRESENTATION: Bill Bond and Gary Nissen were present
~rom the Chanhassen Lions Club to discuss the proposal ~or Lake
Ann Park. They would like to have set aside an area in the Lake
Ann Park where they can start building and adding on to the park.
Everything done would be with the ~ull approval of the Park &
Recreation Commission. A project ~uch as this would help the Lions
Club grow in membership and provide extra needed items ~or the
community. Pat Boyle suggested a deadline date ~or a possible
project proposal of Lake Ann. Pat Boyle made a motion that we
support the Lions Club in their endeavor to put some sort o~
equipment at Lake Ann and to have the presentation by the second
meeting in January. Shirley Chellis seconded. Motion carrie~.
Discussion was held as to what possible equ~pment could be placed
l,..., at Lake Ann and where it could be placed.
Dutcher were present~rom the Bi-Centennial Commission to discuss
the mini-park they are in the process of creating, parking facilities
and the Village Hall restoration. Discussion was held as to what
would be the best way to utilize the Village Hall. Parking would
have to be provided ~or the building. The Bi-Centennial Commission
is being drawn to a close but members of the Commission have agreed
to stay on this project until the job has been completed. No ,
actual deadline date can be set for the completion o~ the Village
Hall due to mostly voluntary assistance with this project. Pat
Boyle suggested that the Bi-Centennial Commission come back to the
Park & Recreation Commission a~ter the tearing up of the apsalt
and be~ore the mini-park is established.
present withqthe budget ~or the Park & Recreation Commission ~or
1977. The Community Service Director was approved by the City
Council. Remodeling o~ the downstairs of~ice of the Chanhassen City
Hall is being planned ~or an o~fice ~or this person. This Director
will be approved providing the Minnetonka and Chaska Community
Schools come up with $1500 each and the grant given the City of
Chanhassen for $3000 is approved. Further discussion was held on
the 1977 budget.
Park & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes
ECKLUND/SWEDLUND PROPOSAL a Don Ashworth showed the Park &
Recreation Commission the revised sketch Plan F (or F-2) The Park
& Recreation Commission should concern themselves with the location ~
of a park and a possible right-or-way of a trail system. There
will be a work session of the Planning Commission, City Council and
the developer Monday, October 25, 1976, at 7sJO PM of which a
member or members should be present on behalf of the Park & Recreation
Margaret Thompson made a motion that the following revision to the
Ecklund/Swedlund Plan F-2 for the proposed Lotus Lake site
development should be considered by the City Planning Commission
in further negotiations with the developers
1. Only general and minimal easements be required
along Purgatory Creek.
2. The indicated park site be eliminated.
J. A trail system be defined through the proposed
platting connecting the area with a proposed
future park site, to be developed further North
of the proposed development, on land not included
in the subject parcel.
4. The general spirit of the easements along Lotus
Lake be maintained providing for public access
to the lake shore.
Seconded by Pat Boyle. All in favor. Motion carried.
JOINT ~RAILS COMMISSIONs Phyllis Pope and Shirley Chellis attended
the meeting. There are 14 different cities in the joint trails.
There fus no cost to participate in the joint trails. The proposal
of the joint trails system would cost from $1000 to $10,000 depending
on city population, area, etc. Further discussion was tabled but
discussion will continue at the next Park & Recreation Commission
LAKE ANN DISCUSSIONs Due to the late time, discussion will be
placed on the agenda for the next Park & Recreation Commission
Margaret Thompson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.
Phyllis Pope seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11s05 PM.
Joe Betz