PRC 1976 11 16 JIll'" (r- (;II"" , PARK & RECR~TION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES November 16, 1976 The regular meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Joe Betz at 7:55 PM. Members present were: Pat Boyle, Shirley Chellis, Phyllis Pope & Denis Stedman. Absent: Margaret Thompson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 19, 1976 MEETING: Phyllis Pope made a motion that the minutes by approved as typed. Shirley Chellis seconded. Motion carried. STATUS OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR: Pat Boyle attended the meeting regarding the service director and gave her report. A letter was written to the United Ways asking them to help fund our service director. The committee was very receptive, but the letter arrived after their budget had already been set up. They will still check to see if any help can be gotten for the service director funding. JOINT TRAILS COMMISSION: No definite cost on this until the number of the cities wanting it has been determined and what the community requires (i.e. population, square acres, trails already in the community and projected trails). Phyllis Pope and Shirley Chellis attended the last meeting on this. Pat Boyle suggested that a strong recommendation should be made to the City Council making them aware of the strong need for a trail systems. Hal Larson, Chairman of the Joint Trails Commission was present to answer any questions there might be. In order to be a member in the Joint Trails System, two requirements are needed. 1. Joining to another community already involved. 2. Resolution by the City Council appointing someone to the Joint Trails Commission as their representative. The steps involved for the community to become involved: 1. Commitment to the Joint Trails Commission 2. Joint Powers Act 3. Architectural firm committed. Phyllis Pope suggested that an ad be placed in the paper regarding the Joint Trails system and see what the response would be from the public. At the next Park & Recreation Commission meeting a pumlic hearing will be scheduled as an agenday item on the possibility of Chanhassen's joining the Joint Trails Commission. This is set for 7:30 PM on December 7, 1976. The next Joint Trails Commission meeting is December 9 at 7:30 PM at the Spring Park City Hall. Phyllis Pope will attend until an appointment can be made for an official representative;' Park & Recreation Commission 11/16/76 Page 2 REVIEW OF ECKLUND/SWEDLUND LOTUS LAKE PLANNED RESIDENTIALg DEVELOPMENT: No further report. Pat Boyle suggested that we review the Park Acquisition Ordinance. This to be put on the agenda for the next meeting. MISCELLANEOUS: Phyllis Pope would like to see the budget of the Park & Recreation Commission to see exactly what is being funded. ...,I Ecologiaal Committee Survey: Shirley Chellis asked for the opinion of the Park & Recreation Commission on this survey. It was the opinion of Joe Betz that question #9 involving the DNR should be spelled out as to what the DNR requires. The Park & Recreation Commission recommended that question #9 on the survey should eith be spelled out in detail or removed. The Park & RecFeation Commission recommended that question #10 on the survey should also be spelled out and Park characteristics should be more defined. The Park & Recreation Commission would approve the survey with the exception and/or corrections made on questions #9 and #10. The other opinion was that at first glance people might be too overwhelmea and not want to take the time to fill it out. ( New Member: Applications have been received. The question was brought up whether or not to try to get members from different areas of Chanhassen. The Park & Recreation Commission would like to see all the applications on file from anyone that has specifically shown interest in being a member on the Park & Recreation Commission. ..J ACTION: The Park & Recreation Commission would like all the applications showing interest in the Park & Recreation Commission at the next Park & Recreation Commission meeting on December 7, 1976. Shirley Chellis made a motion the meeting be adjourned. Denis Stedman seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM Joe Betz Chairman ....."I. jiw