PRC 1976 12 07 PaJ::k and ~creation CoIrmission .Minutes Dece.rra::>er 7, 1976 City Hall & .-... .., . The Cllanhassen Pa:rk and ~creation Cbmni..ssion neeting on 'I'uesday, ~oember 7, 1976, began shortly after 7:30 p.m. with an open public neeting for residents interested in the planning and developing of trails in Olanhassen for bikers, horseback riders, snCMnDbilers, hikers and cross-countrY skiers. John Breckheiner, member of the Shorewood Parl< ccmnission and Joint Trails Ccmnission spoke to the group e}(f>laining Joint Trails and what Shorewood has done in planning a trail system. He e}(f>laimd that the aim of Joint Trails was a bike trail all aromd Lake Minnetonka with areas for rest stops and over-night canping. A bike trail will be put in along Cbmty Road 19 this surrmer north of Highway 7. He showed us the panphlet that Shorew::xJd sent to all residents asking their input on the possible park inproverrents in their village. l-bst residents favored putting in bike trails. He felt that Cllanhassen should be plarming trails nON since we are not carpletely developed, and also suggested that the shoulder of County Road 17 be marked as a bike trail. He answered questions fom the audience and members of Parl< and Recreation. Pat Jensen said that the north side of lake Lucy had a lovely trail for hiking and horseback riding and she hoped it could be included in future trail plans. Fred Wagner, a rranber of the O1anhassen snownobile club said that they had marked about 4 miles of trails getting signed releases from property owners in case of injUlY of riders on their property. These trails could not be used for horseback riding because of the fences used in the surrmer, but have been used by cross comtry skiers. County Road 17 can be used for both smwrrobiles and horseback riders in the ditch. ~ Cbnrad Fiskness of the Riley-Purgato1:Y Creek Watershed District requested that they receive any minutes or correspondence regarding any trails planned paralleling creeks in that district. That does not include Lake Minneswashta. Al Harvey, a member of the Frontier Riders supported that idea of a trail system and also requested that the Pan and Recreation Cbrrmission consider purchasing land for a riding ring such as Minnetonka has built when naking future park inprovercents. The Frontier Riders could build ~ ring. He agreed to return with a written proposal for the project. Fred Wa'9l1er asked Cbnrad Fiskness about the future developnent around Lake Susan, if ~ builden had to set land aside for parl<. area. Mr. Fiskness replied that it was not necessaJ:Y, but that the flocrl plain could not be developed. He worrlered if Cllanhassen had a Flood Plain ordinance, if not the Riley-Purgato1:Y Creek ordinance would be follONed. . 'Ihose present at the meeting were: JOM Breckheiner, Shorewoodj Ron Roeser, Al Harvey, Fred Wagner, R.M. lX>dd, and Pat Jensen who agreed to work actively on a Trails Ccmnittee. Also attending were Conrad Fiskness, Dick r-Eredith and Ken White. All those present were in favor of planning trails for Olanhassen and were in general agreenent that it would be worthwhile for the city to spend $2,000. to $10,000 in conjunction with the Joint Trails gIOup to have professional plarming of trails. f ,.... 'Ihe Park am Recreation neetinJ began at 8:30 p.m. Merrbers present were Joe Betz, Cllairnan, Pat Boyle, Margaret Tharpson, Denis Stedman and Shirley Chellis and Phyllis Pope. The minutes were approved as read. ., { ;page 2 IX>n Ashworth told us what has happened to the new proposed Parl<: Ordinance. It has been reviewed by the Plarming Comnission. '!hey had several changes suggested. '!heir concems were about the legality of the tenn "develoFftel1t costs II after discussion with the city attorney. Also of concern was whether m::mey should be collected at the; tine of sUbdivision; that c::ormercial and irrlustrial building --' slDuld be included in parl<: ordi.nan.cs, the charge to 'be levied on an equitable basis; also that ncre infonnation was needed on what otl}er neighborinJ cities park ordinances said; and that the Parl<: and Recreation Cbn1nission should develop criteria for neighborhood parks. Ibn Ashworth and the City Attorney will redraft the ordinance and incltrle a paragraph ~1aining a charge to ccmrercial and industrial develq:m:mt that the O:mnission will see at their next :rreetinJ. '!he staff will also get copies of Park Ordinances from area cities to oonpare with. '!he 1976 budget was discussed. '!here was sone concern with a la1:ge deficit in the noney allotted for lifeguards. N:> total figures are yet available. ; IX>n AsbNorth said that the O:nncil had appointed a O:mm.ni ty Facilities Interim sttrly O::mni.ttee because of concern about what to do with the Old St. Hubert's Church and the Old Village Hall. '!he Ca1:ver <bunty LibraI:Y reported that about S ,000 books are checked out nonthly by people in O1anhassen indicating the need for a branch library here. '!he Study Cbmnittee will consist of one nerrber from each comnission ani one carmunity m.:mber. D:mis Stednan noved that Pat Boyle be our representative, MaI:garet '!harpson secbnded the notion. r-btion unaninously approved. ( In response to a question from Denis Stedman, Ibn Ashworth reported on the status of the Ecklund arrl SWedlund proposed deveJ.qment on East lotus rake. '!he <buncil gave preliminaI:Y approval on Plan G, subject to approval by the DNR on the dredging of a lagoon. '!here are severcUJ. changes in the new plan. Denis Stedman asked Ibn if the wanning house behirrl the fire station could be opened soon. '!he operator will be contacted soon and it can be opened. Joe Betz asked I:bnAshworth about the proposed Lion's Club project, if there were any question of a donation of that sort being legal. Ibn said that any project like that should be first accepted by the City <buncil. ...." '!here will be 2 vacancies on the camrl.ssion ~r January 1, 1977 when Margaret '!harpoon is resigning. '!here are currently 4 applications from people who wish to be on the a:mmission. Another request should appeal1. in Karen's <brner for applications. Any applications should be returned to City Hall before Dec. 23, 1976. All applicants should be then contacted by the city to cnne to the next PalX and Recreation meetinJ beginning at 8 :00 p.m. on Janu:u:y 4, at 10 minute intervals. We will endeavor to choose 2 new members at that neeting. Phyllis Pope Acting Secretary \,1 -#