PRC 1975 01 07 ;".... ( "~ (..,...... Park and Recreation Commission, January 7 v 1975 Chanhassen City Hall The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Ccmrraission was called to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on January 7, 1975 at 8:35 p.m. The following members were present: Cilarles Hirt, Dwight Leatham, Denis Stedman, Margaret Thompson and VivIan Beaugrand..' Richard Lyman and. Bill Engebretson were absent.. . .." Glen Madson, Jim Kamholtz and Jane M.artinovich, Realtors for the Naegle , property were also present.. MINUTES: A motion was made by Chuck lIixt a:l\d seconded by Dwight Leatham to approve the minu.tespf the November 19, 1974 meetingo Motion Carried.. A motion was made by Chuck Hirt. CU'ld seconded by Dwight Leatham to approve the minutes of the December 17, 1974 meeting with the correction of the spelling of the word imperative.. Motion carriedo PARK ORDINANCE: The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed and changed some o{'-tne wOrding. in the park ordinance.. They did not complete the changes and will finish at the next meeting. MINNEWASHTA REGIONAL PARK: The Park and Recreation Commission listened to Mr" Madson present hIS opinion on the Ches-Mar Farm acreage, and hO~l it mould be used as park la..'l1d.. . After discussion a motion was made by -Dwight Leatham and seconded by Chuck Hirt that we, as a park board, indicate our openness to make the Ches-Mar Farm acreage a park if the feasibility study shows the land suitable for a park.. Motion carried. The Park and Recreation Commission noted the information on the Quick Claim deed, sent from the City Planner", The Park and Recreation Commission also had comments on the letter from the Ci'cy Planner,. pertaining' to Eden Prairiecs plans. Chairman Vivian Beaugrand along with the other members of the Park and Recreat.ion Commission, commend Denis Stedman for the efforts he has put forth towards the completion of the warming house. A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Denis Stedman to adjoum the meeting. Motion Carriedo T~m: 10:50 porn. JU.di Olson Secretary