PRC 1975 02 04 l".... PAJU( ~~D REC COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUARY 4, 1975 Meeting was called to order by Viae-Chairman Chuck Hirt. on February 4, 1975 at 8:10 p.m. The followinq were present Margaret Thompson, Dwight Leatham" Denis Stedman, Richard Lyman and Chuck Hirt. Absent. members: Vivian Beaugrand. MINUTES Approval of January 7, 1975 minutes motion was made by Denis St.edman and seconded by Margaret Thompson, Mot. ion carried. Note quick claim deed should be quit claim. DALE GREGORY Dale represented the Chanhassen Sno-Snoopers. The Sno-Snoopers have $200.00 to donat.e t.o Park & Rec. Dale recommended improving light.ing on hockey rinks and the Park & Rec commission agreed with his idea. BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION c-.. Rich Lyman, member of Bicent.ennial Commission, gave discussion of proposed projects. ENGEBRETSON Camm2ssion accepted resignat.ion of Bill Engebretson. Asked Clerk-Administrator to send thank you. ORDINANCE Motion by Denis Stedman and seconded by Margaret Thompson to send approved Park Ordinance to council for reviewal. Motion carried. MISC Park & Ree request.s Bruce Pankonin to come to next meet.ing to go over documents on Lawcon and other reports that were sent out with January 7 minutes. ~fllat has happened to application for watershed dlst. funds? Motion by Dwight Leat.ham and seconded by Rich Lyman ,110 adjourn t.he meeting. Motion carried. 9:30 p.m. (" Chuck Hirt. Seoretary