PRC 1975 02 18
Park and Recreation Commission
February lS, 1975
\~ Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called
to order by Vivian Beaugrand on February lS', 1975 'at 8: 3S p.m. The
following members were present: Richard Lyman, Dwiqht: Leatham, Vivian
Deaugrand and Charles Birt. Margaret Thompson, Denis Stedman were
MINUTES: A motion was made by Richard Lyman and SEconded by Dwight
Leatham to approve the minutes of the February 4, 1975 meeting. Motion
The members would like a thank you letter sent to Bill Engebretson.
SUMMER PROGRAM: There was a discussion on the summer program and how
it 1s goinq to be handled. The program is to be similar to last years
program. Although this year the head life guard and other life quards
will be hired by the Minnetonka Schools. Mr. Jim Jones of the Minnetonka
Sch~l District will take care of all applicants.
MISCELLANEOUS: Vivian Beauqrand is planning to attend the Carver County
Park Board meetinq on February 19, 1975. The subject. is the Carver
Count.y Open Space Plan. Any other members of the Park and Recreation
Commission are welcome to attend.
. ,......
LIONS CLUB: The lions Club' s 1975 project is to make team benches for
all three 'ball fields at Lake Ann.
BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION: Rich Lyman representing the Bioentennial
Comm1ss1on presented and explained what the Blcentennia1Cammission
would like to do for the Bicentennial year. There were four projeots:
Restore the Old Village Hall with a vest pocket park, Skating Rink and
a nature center at the West Jr. High School. The Park and Recreation
Commission would like to see the Bicentennial Commission concentrate
on the nature cen~r and nature trails in' Lake Ann Park. They put these
before the tot lot and the skating rink.
HO~E COMMITTEE:, Dwiqht Leatham representing the Horse Committee told
the Pfirk and Recreation Commission that,t.he Horse Ordinance was approved.
The Horse Committee would like the Park and Recreation Commission to
designate areas in the city parks siqns as to ,.,.here horses
are allowed. They decided to ask for information from communities
that have already set up horse trails.
A motion was made by Rich Lyman and s.eeonded by Chuck Hirt to adjourn
the meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: , 9: 15 p.m.
Judi Olson