PRC 1975 03 03 (,.... G-- (r- Park and Recreation commission Meeting March 3, 1975 City Hall 2:30 p.m. A special Park and Recreation Commission meetinq was called to order on . Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at City Hall. The followinq members were present: Vivian Beaugrand, Rich Lyman, Margaret. Thompson, Dwight. Leatham. Chuck Hirt and Denis St.edman \.,ere absent. Review of prelimina . mot on was made y R Lyman an seconde 'that. the Park Board is not interested in outlot. A for park land. The drainage area should be evaluated by the City Engineer. Motion carried. The Park Board also feels that the developer should provide adequate lake access for immediate area home owners. The Park Board wishes the Planning Commission to apply the park fee on "Trolls-Glen 11 for park purposes. A motion was made by Marqaret Thanpson and seconded by Rich Lyman to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. 5:00 p.m. Vivian Beauqrand Acting Secret.ary