PRC 1975 03 25
park and Reorea1:ion Commission
March 251 1975
Chanhassen Cit.y Ball
The special meetinq of the Park and Recrea~!on ~ommis8ion was oalled
to order by City Planner, Bruce ~ankonin on Maroh 25, 1975 at. 8:05 p.m.
The fOllowing mf"..mbers were preaenet Vivian Beauqrand, Denis Stedman,
Richard Lyman, Marqaree Thompson. Dwight: I,eatham tfaS absent;.
Pat: Murphy, Ca~ter COUft'ty Public Works nirector; Allen Hasse, :Bill
Dilks, Robert C", Eila represen'~ed the Carver county Park Commission,
Dennis Thompson, Minnesota Science poulldat.lon, Inc.;
and Joe Helqeuald, Carver county Bnvironmentalist7 and Dick Dutcher
represent.inq the Lake Minnewash'ca Ad Hoc Commit.tee were also present..
Mr. Pat. Murphy explained 'thepa$t hist:ory, the current: sta1:us and
'the plans fort..heCoUnty Park-f.acility located on Lake
M.tnnewasht.a, Chanhassen, Minnesota. Mr. MUrphy believes t.ha't Carver
. COtUlty and the Chanh,assen Park and Reor.eation Commission should work
t.ogether to review the ac:ceptahillty of 'the Minnewashta area .for a
reqiol1al park. This oould most. likely resul1: in the development. of
. .~ master plan .Ui'on which decisions would be based. 'l'here would esr-
'tainJ.y be a qreat deal of oit.izen imput. in 'the process. If this
... '.8 ~~ work properly', the Count.y .and Ci~y must. be able t.o jointly
deoide i~, ,.,hen and how 'this work should be done. The process will
t.ak~, tJJ~.
. . , .- .
'l' plans ate -co be. in by July 1, 1.975 for tll.e next five
Ye.ars of funding.. . .
After Pa.t Murphy finished speakinqt:h~re was an open discUssion.
:1\ . mot.ion was made by. Denis St.edman and seconded by Richard Lyman
:. :'fJ1:atinq that: the Chanhassen park arid .Recreation commission ,ahould
,s:end' t.wo people 'to 1:he joint. subcomn\l1:.tee moeting to sf;u<ly i:he Lake
" Minnewasht.a area for a reqional park sit.e. Motion oarried.
. Marqaret Thompson and Denis Stedman .,,111 repr.8eeni: the Park and
Reoreation Commi.ssion. nick Du'tcher, representing 'the Ad Hoe Commit.tee
and Bruce Pankonin, Citl-" Planner also plan on att.endinq the meet.ings
, ~enever possible. .
:,,'lhe 'meet::inq was adjou-nled ai: 10 tOO p~Ilt.
Judi Olson