PRC 1975 04 01
Par~ ~ld Recreation Commission
AP1:!1 1, 1975
cranhasse~ City Hall
~he regular meeting- of the Park and Reoreation CODIDission
.,as called to ol-del: by Vivian Beaugrand on April 1, 1975,
at 8:00 PoM. 'l'he following members were present:
Dwight Tdeatham, Charles Hirt, .'f..tarqaret Thompson and
Vivian Beaugrand., Richard Lyman and Denis St.edman were
MINUTES: A mot.ion was made by Margoaret. Thompson and
seoonded" by Dwight. Leatham U) approve t:he minutes of the
March 3, 1975, meet1nq. Motion carried.
JIM Jorms - SUMMER PROGRAM: Jim Jones explained the plans tor
summer proqrams that'wIl1 be offered by Minnetonka COJIIIlunity
He also informed the Park and Recreat.ion commission that
Carol James'ton has bE,leJ1. hired by the !.sinnetonka Community
Servioes as Neighborhood COmmunity Servioes Director
for the Chanha88en area" Carol's hours are limited but: t:he
Park and Recreat:ion Commission is enoouraged to use her
servioes in whatever area, they may be needed.
A motion was made by Chuck Birt and seconded by Margaret
Thompson to participate in the sunmer playground program
offered by MinnetonkaOommunity Services. The program
follows the same fozmat H~8',last: year wi 1:h ~ day a't West
Junior HifJh and two .~days at Cathgart Field. Both include
Friday special outingslI 'The cost remains the same at $200
a half day with the $2:.0Qper person registration being a
credit.. Tbe Cathgartp~ram cost will again be shared by
Shorewood.. Mc4:ion car:~ied~. ,
A motion was made bYChuo~R!rt arid seoonded byD\,ight Leatham"
to participate in the :t.ezmts prog-ram offered by Minnet.onka
COmmunity Services.. Le8.s~ns will be offered at the Lake Ann
tennis cour't. The coat-of $300 is expected to be offset by
t:he lesson fees oolleot_d'as it was last summer. Motion
". .,.
A mot.ion was made by Chuck, ,Rin and seoonded by Marqaret
Thompson 'to participate, in the beach proqram offer~ by
Minnetonka COmmunity serViqes. The $300 fee will go entirely
toward the salary of,t4e, 'beaoh co-ordinator.. The Commission
'. ,~.
:".t, ,:., '
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feels that the beach program will not be an additional cost
since we will not be paying a head lifeguard' s s\\lary.
JoJot.ion carried.
Vivian Beaugrand will work with Bob Williams, the -leach
co-ordinator, to set. up the program at. Lake Ann. fJ.'1esame
format will be used as last year.
mRT SCHMID - SUMMER PROGR>>1: Kurt went over the pla"is for
summer programs oifered ~iSchool District 1112. . (Chiska)
A motion was made by DwiClht X,eatham and seconded by
J.largaret '1'hompson to aocept the sununer program as. outlir,~
by Kurt. regardless of the. number of other communities
participating-. The cost of the proqram will be approxima '.ely
$750 with the $1000 registration fee a credit. Included i,
the program is a combination playground and arts ~ crafts
proqram to be held at Chanhassen Elementary two half days a
week, special events on Friday, floor hockey program, teen
night and. a pre-school prcqram on a fee basis, all at
Chanhassen Elementary. .. 'l'he Commission would also to see
an expanded senior Citizen.s Program. Motion carried.
The Park and Reorea~ion C~ission feels that all of the
above programs will fit in~o the 1975 budqet.
PARK MASTER PLAN COMMI,'1''l'E:E: . A motion was made by J.iargaret .
'J!hompson. anct secondeC! 'Py."~uck Hirt saying we wou14. be happy ..
to have a member repre~ent..ln9 'tbe Planning CommisIJlon on:" ..',..
the parlt Master Plan CoJatU;ttee. Motion carried. . (Note: Slnc::e
Tim Stone has resigned.,. bf;N can he be representing the P1anni~g.
Commission?) . . '
PARK ORDINANCE: '1'he. Parlf and Recreat.ion Commission
review of the Park or4.1nanoe on February 4, 1975. . We are .
wondering whe~e it is :.~d hope: ~e prooess can be: ~edited so
they can be used this 8.~r. .
BASEBALL DIAMOND RESERV^Tl0N: ... The Commission will, be scheduling
dlamond reservations ~fc)r tme.."1975 season on April; 15 at. the
regular ,ark and Recrea.:t~o,n: c.u.ssion meetinq. i:.i~t.l~' LaaglIe,
Babe Ruth, girls soft.b"lJ.:., '.mens.softball represent.atives have
been invited. .All o' peJ'sons are w.l~ome. .
cOmmisslon wiii ~e9in, !nt.etv1ewlng for the vacancy' left by
Bill Engebretson at the.April 15, 1975 meetinq.
A motion was made by chuok Hlrt andaeconded by Dwight: Leat:ham
1:0 adjourn the meeti~g. t, ~otion carried.
TIME: 11:00 p.m.
Vivian Beauqrand
Acting Secretary
: ....,I