PRC 1975 04 15 Park and Recreation Commission AP~iJ. 15, 1975 .,...., ~anh.assen ci.ty Hall The. regular ~le~in9of the Park and Recreation commission was called to Qrder by C~airman Vivian BeaugX'and on April ).5, 1975 at. 8:05 p.m. ftfj following members were present: RlchLyman, Denis Stedman, J>t.liqh1: Lea1:hmrl,. Chuck llirt, Marqaret. ThnmpSOll. and Vivian Bea\i~rand.. !/J.:r.NUHS: A motion ",as made by Maxqaret Thompson and seo<>nded by Rioh i,yman to appro'r(! the March 25, 1975~inut.es. Motion carrled. .. . A motion was ma.:'.e by Dwig-ht Leatham :ah.d seconded by Chuc;k Biri:' to aPh'rove the Apr~ll 1, 1975 minut.es after the fOllowing additiort: :"3bn Jones S'UllU.lVJr beach proqram .fees i::ha1: will be collected for ew:~ing lessonu wil-lbe a oredi~ t.o' 'the communi t.y. · Motion carried. SCmnULE OF BALI Fmr.oS: A .motion was. made by Chuok Hir': and seoonded &y. -g,(ch Lyman tc' appiOii' the fOllowing Ball field reservations. Motion enr!:' led 0 . lJlJ.'l.S Monday ~ ~esday FieJ.(~ 1 -,....- Field 2 _. b. Field ,3 l (~. 51 Babe Ruth 6:00-8:30 p.m. (May -. August) Babe Ruth Adult. Sl.ow Pit:ch. 6:00 p.m. - Dark: YO\1.'~..h L~ague 6:10-8:30 p.m. (',lay - August.) Youth Leaqt:e You.1:h League Youth League Adult 'Slow Pitch 6:00.p..m. - Dark Yout.h. :'.Lea9'ue YO\l1:h ~agu. WQ~e,4ai Adult Slow Pi~ch 6:00 p.m. - Dark ~f.'.lurSlday Ifriday 'Sa~U:rday B.~,.:Ruth . aabeR~th . Babe 'RUth , ;8':00 a..m. - Noon'. . Youell League YoU~Leaglle You1:h LClAID.te 8 :00 a.m:....- Noon . . :YoUi:,~'.:~ague ':..:A',;: . , . , CITt HALL PIEW 'SSsnVA'rIONS . . ~ .. ~/~r. .~ ...!:<" ..... III ,. . ,. qi~J:$ Soft:ball .. (Age'89-15 ) Women' 8 Sofi:ball' Y .. . '~.'. ~on4ay - Friday.., Monday - Friday' S,:30::-p.m. - D.uk . . ChO.O.;~~.m. -8:3:0p.,nh; . .. Sunday - 4:00 p..~!,~ ..~.,.. &(00 p.m. : Also: July 26 an-a:~ugUst 2 Ii. 's : BABB. RUm LEAGUE: They 1'1OUld like. F;l~'ld No. 3 improved.i'.)rhey:would .. .ln~' :the p1toherTs mound raised .so":it.~~:~fJ a nice 9ra.dual:8:1o~. Also, they..'Would like the bllokstop moved back if possible. Viv1anB.eauqrud . ls.qolDq 'to . contact Henry Wraseab~t,,,J~hese improvements:.', .~.;. ;):, S'1'Iaam SYSTEM:' A motion was made 'by,.'chuak Hirt and seconded' by Marqaret 'lhanp$on that non-resident softball players on weclneSday..~l~h;t. must . (r '" Page 2 purchase a $1000 sticker 1nl;1rked Wednesday night only. 'uniformed umpires on W~dnesda.y night be admi1:ted free. Also ~hat three Mo1:ion carried. A lQQtion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck Kin 'to ask 'the --' . maintenance dept.. to upgrade the field behind City Ball t.o a r8<<lU~iOD softball field. Mot:lon carried. The Park and Reoreation Commission received a let.t.er of reSignation from Rich Lyman effeot.ive when a replacement: 1s found. A mot.ion was made by Marqaret: '1'hanpson 'and seconded by Chuck Hirt to 1.lCCepi: Rich Lyman' 8 resignat.ion with regret.. Mot.ion carrted. BOND ISSUE: 'rhe Park and Recreat.ion Commission would like Barry Brooks to at.tend the next J:&gular meeting on May 6, 1975 to diSCUG8 the status of .the bond issue and the application to the watershed di8t.~ict. for available monies. . PARK STICKERS: A motion 'las made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Denis S.te&na:n t.o have thepriee of a stiolter'$l.OO pe.rcar for resident.s and $:10000 per . car .for non-residents for t;he year. Motion c.:a.rried. . BUD<;ET_ REPORT :. . A motion was made by Rich' Lyman and seoonded. by Dwight '., . .':Lie~tham 'to ask ~or a quarterly budg4t',repor't for the Park and Recrea.tion ..' 'COmmisl!Jlon from the City office'G' Motion . carried. . . . . . (" . , . . .." PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION VACANCY: The Park and Recreation' Commissioll . 1nte~iewe"!" Mr:Tom KQ'tsonas -and Roy' .RSesar for the vacancy. on 1:I1e . .~~lssion. ,,' .... . .'. '" '." :,:." . ." ~"."'" ...,I HANSEN AND . RLINGELHUTZ PARK DONA'.l'.ION.:,.::"\The board looked ':dver.the plans .lora:. park submitted ~o t:hem by Itanffett ,and Klinqelhut.z. >. TA$ytiould . llketo have soma tim~ to revie~"'th_';~~d before ~ey maJte.'~nt. . . .", "."1'.'...: . ..... '_' .A mq:t.ion was made by Denis Stedmtm'and':"seeonded by Dt,iqht'Leai:b.am toaa.journ the meeting. Motion .car:CJ.:ed. . :.. . .. ) TIME: 10:20 p.mo Jtldi O.l.son Seoretary ( ..."I