PRC 1975 05 06
, A
Park and Recrea~ion Commission
May 6, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
Prior to the meeting', the Park and Recreation Commission tool.t. a tour
of the proposed Western Hells Park with Tom Klingelhutz.
The regular meeting of the Park and ~ecrea~ion Commission was called
to order by Vivian Beauqrand'j. Chairman, on May 6, 1975, at. 8 :QO p.m.
The following members were present: Dwigh~ Leatham, Chuck H~r~,
Denis S~edman and Vivian Beauqrand... Those absent were: Marqaret
Thompson and Rich Lyman.
Dick Du~cher, Bill Turner, a member ,of the Lake Studyeomud~ue, and :
Gary MCEnelly, President of Minnewashta Heights Neighborhoo4: Organization
were also presen~.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Chuck Kirt:
to approve the April 15, 1975, minutes. Motion carried..
WESTERN HILLS PARK: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded. by
Denis Stedman ~t .Hansen and Rlingelhutz should submit ap~an concerning
the proposed park in Western Hills ~o the Park and Recreation Commission
and ultimately to the City COunail by dedicatiol'l time, to inplude t.he
1. Formal1,zinqdrainaqe andsecurinq slopes in the gorge arG,taq
keeping in mind provision fot' pedestrian entrance aJld maintenance.
vehicular travel, .
2. A cont:rolled structure for maintaining the level of th.e pond at.
the outlet of the creelq, ' .
3. A general clean-up and remov~l of barbed wire and posts, among
oi:her things,
4. Submit: a surety bond in an amount (at the discret.ion tit council)
to insure the completion of the above. Motion carried co
, , .
l~STERPLAN COl4MITTEE: Diek D~~cher and Denis Stedm&n reported on the
Master Plan C011l.nU.ttee April 28, 1975. They bo-ch feel
,.; that: Carver County 1s doinq a 900d job.
An a1ternativ~ plan far the Minnewashta site is one study they would
,like to have done.
The commission would like to see Chanhassen's City Staff be actively
involved with the county. It wassugqested that Dan Herbst. recommend
someone from the Planning Commission to be a representative to the
Ad Hoc Committee.
The next Master Plan COmmittee meeting is at Carver County Court: House
on May 19, 19750
Park and Reareation comm.1.ssion
May 6, 1975
Chanbassen City Ball
comm1.sS1on interviewed Mr. R:1chara Maloney, Mr.' Joe Bets and Mrs. Pat
Boyle for the vacancy on the oommission.
A motion was made by Derds St.edman and seconded by Dwiqht Leat.ham to
recollllend that. Pat Boyle, Joe Bets and Roy Roeser b. appointed 1:0 the
Park and Recreation Commission. Mc)1:1on carried.
BtJDGE'l': Barry Brooks ,City Admlnist:rator, qave a quarterly report. for
the Park and Recreation Ccmm1ss1on. . .
A mOtion was made by Denis Stedman ant! seconded by Dwight Lea1:ham that
the admission fees from Lake AnnP.rk for 1974 and 1975 be desigruated
for a . special park fund to be used .;;f.or future projects. Hot:i~ carried.
A motion was made by Denis St~an. and seconded by Chuck Birt. 1:0 recommend
the. renewal of the contract. wlth. MinnetonJc:a and Chaska community Schools.
Motion carried.
ROO'!: PROM THE CHAIRMAN: I feel after workinq wit.h Kurt Schmid from the
Chas)al School bj.strlct and Jim Jones from ~ Minnetonka School District
that. we are very fortunate to have such able directors of Community
Services. Since ChanhasSeD has a void in the recreation area (no staff
personnel) we are lucky to be . able .1:0 take advant:aqe of the Community ...
Schools concept. We must also remeJJlber t.hat. they work with all aqes or-"
people (youth, t.eens, adul~s and senior ci~i.ens.) The $2250 we pay
for ~he yearly contracts is a real ~y:::
It was sugqested thai: Henry wrase look int.o the cos't of crushed rock
for 1:he walking path alonq Highway 5. The bond issue was post:poned the next. meet:ing. . .
RBQUES'l' FOR BALL PIILD RESERVATIONS.I Harold Lund has asked for t:wo
a{amonds at: LUe Ann Park for a 8o~.tball tournament: .He wants them
frCD.12:00 p.m.. Saturday, May 24, and all day Sunday, May 25.
A motion was made by Denis St.edman and. seconded by Chuck Hirt. to adjourn
t.he Mot.ion carried. .
TIME: 11:20 p.m.