PRC 1975 05 20 Park al~d, !~ec.r'eat:lon. COl"ilm;b~siol'l ~ f4ay 20i 1915 Chanhassen CitY' Ball 'llhe ,:eqular meet;in<:l' elf t.h(? 1?l..~rk a:rtd R.e c;J:;.eis.ti on, C::mnnisslon lfaa called to order by Vivi.anrs:~e{;l,t;t~:rrar..d:, Chai1.'Xllan,. on, Nay 20ff 1975". at 8:00 porn.. T'he fo.11o~dng membe rs ~"lel7'e }!J;"esent: Chur.:~k. Hir't; 1 Denis St:ednuJ.:ll f Ma.r:'ga.r(;1'i::: II1ho.mpscm,,1 Rich r,ymanp G1nd'\tivia,n, BeiJI.t1q:cand.. l}"7.i~;.bt Leat.ham. \1aS absent" D,1Ck Dut.cher F' Gary !.1cEnel.1y, Pr€sidt~nt of 1.linrulmra-,sh1::a Tieight.s Neighborh(,v<'l OrgiJlnlz~,ticm" Roy r{oef3er.~ JOfi;~ Beri::z e.:n,d the :follo\.f.i~1.9 members of the Lake Study Cornmitt.ee were present::.: ..'Taok Bell, Chalrmml, Jim Callinan. Lauren Hillqt:d,stg .In Sinnen and ;la.ok Ernst. MINUTES: A. Inotion 'wa,smade by Chuck Hixt. and. seconded by Dt:mis Ste~J[tan to ~w the May 6, 1975 m:b:lut.e.Sl~ ~'iot.lon car:l:"ied~ BONn ISSUE ~ Barc)t I$!'t.'~c\lu;:!l Cit.'ty 1'\d.rninil2I't,ra.to::c, !'.PJgg(~t)'t,e:d a Maf-:)te' '?a:l:.'k Pl~.a~o' ---t' ,.,.~. \,1-~. "'r".--, 'h. ?J'~lk,,. '1.-. of", ".." ;"..... '-, ''''1~' "c ""nd _ dllco ueJ ,e,f.:~n_.!.le "vu.l':n.€ peL.i\.>:'.. f, tll,:'..C'<. r,"'w' t{.h..a, ""ea. ';),':;1 "".. J:"Opu ErC.1.Q, "" the :nE:~ed.s of' th~~ en tire ~1C,n!.l:{\Unj. ty ,. Bar X'y B:t'oek,$ u Ch.uck. H:b:t a:r..1 Conrad Fiskness~\lil1 che~,k .on m.onies ava.U.abJ..fJ\ h:c;m th~~ L",kt:: r:a~y PtlrgatA,)l"Y C:!'I!:~ek W[-!,t~!~x-shed 1:/:)7: such a st.i..ldy... Bi'lrry Brookf~\d,ll det:f?::rmi..n,e the. pny Bat-::k Sehedui.;'~') 1:sr'HH:: ,', '.:Phe l?a:rk. {'.u'lC1 Rec1tea'C,:l..of! Cc.mmisslon. alst) mJj::r::\d on the 1nt~rn:~fjt. to. dat,e" t~ho l:. 1 \) Bonn td"m~" check ~ !.tAKE Sll'UlYl COf.llv1I1fTEE ~ Thr;: :Ci:;J(E;; Stud.v CO~TI!(ti t tee t);~'"'dJ.;,~i~ f;c mail out:. questr5ii-a:{res-crn -r;:-ii"ce '!.J.8e t,t.) all ref:,d.d~ntG of (;'hEl.nh,asS(L':" They a,sked ~~h(;1Pa,:rk Q,,;''"1d Re\~:reCl.tiol':1 Cr,munissdl:>n .1, 'E thev ~muJ.d he in.I.~:1;el:3t:ed in ma,klng it: ,;;, joint sn.:u.::'vey and 1.j':H.;ludLlg queatiour> c..n pr,'c',im. . June 1.0f 1975? 't.he. P'i.::1,rk ,arf.d Recr'ea.tlon C',:;1'iIX::t.iBs1.c,n wi'J, appoint i1 perEi0l.1 t.Q att.en.o th~ n,E~xt Lake Stud}" Commiti.:ee mee"t..:/llq i' tJune 1.9 l' 1915 < ~7ill.(1e Denis Steal11.,sn ~,;;il1 no lonf(e:r: he able 'to att2!L~ 'c StlM1!i:f;R, BEACH l'ROGRlU-1:l Harold I.l\lna 5.~~ ha.ving .'t so:H:.ball t.:ouI'namali.'C ,9.'C Like"'Aim:-Park-on:-ltiay~24 I' 1975, and l'4ny 2S:, even tJioug'll i::.he CIt.y Com'lcil t:urned down his reqtH:;;st for a bee:c Jj.o~n:se~, H!~ '(d.ll g:t ;;le i:he Par.k a.no Recreatlol1 ConunisHj,tm c~ eheck for SSG for ~l f,!,lean'''1uIJ deposit? p:1Uf;.: $'15 foX' the l~ae of the f"teld terr' a half day 8l:,'c.t'.:dlay and all day Sunday" :ec~rry B.l'ooks tIIl.11 her:Vt1 e >;;ilO!.t;ekeeper at, l~ak<i!:~ l~lUl Pa:dr:.:n.o li.lt.e.t' .than 't-lJ.tJ.Y 23" 1975~ It was suggested th.at ''the ':Ja\:ek~.3eper ei":,edt r.n~d ~,BE$Ue .~ not:ice to ptKY when th~y J.~t.'i9C, b{~ pOiSited a:t '~;h~ g~t;e C!al."8 alrer.1d,'i" in 'the pax:k :l::Lt oef; i~o;r stlckEe:f'6 she/aid ~ r ( Park and Recreation Commission r-iay 20 I' 1975 Chanhassen City Hall The beach will open June 7, 1975.. Bob '(iilliarI16 is looklng for more lifeguards.. Reqistration for swimming lessons will be May 31 f.rom 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p..rno at. City Hall.. Parle;: and Recreat.ion members are asked to help. MISCELLANEOUS: At. the nm:t meeting, Denis Stedman will go over his plan for covo'ring t.he hockey rinks.. MINNE'l'ONKA AND CBASitA COMMUNI'!'! SCHOOLS: Barry Brooks reported t.hat tone City Council t.aSl'ed t:lle Conunun1t.y Schools Contract Renewal l1nt:l:-l 'Chair nex't regularly scheduled mee'tinq. ' A nlotlon was made by !-larqaret 'lbompson and seconded by Rich Lyman to adjourn.. Motion carried" ,..", TIME: 10:20 p.ms Shirley McMullen Secretary ...", ...",