PRC 1975 06 03
l'ar. and Recreation Commission
(""...., J'Int 3, 1975
e.\anlllssen City Hall
Tlbl l,awly appointed members of 'the Park and Reoreation Commission
Wele lWorn in by Vivian Beauqrand.. They are as follows:
Joe ~\tz - Replacing Rich Lyman to 12-31-75
Roy Ro.'ser - fteplaeing Vivian Beauqrand to 12-31-75
p"~: BOY'.e - Replaceinq Bill Inglebretson to 12-31-77
The regu..l1T.' meet:ing of the Park and Recreation commission was called
'to O~der \"~{ Chuck Rirt on June 3, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. The following
membe.."':'s ~].a presen't:. Denis Stedman, Chuck Hut, Marqaret Thompson,
Pat 80:,le, 1'oe Betz and Roy Roeser.. Dwight. Leatham was absent..
Vivian B\)au;rand, Rich Lyman, Ken White, Henry Wrase and Kay Klinqelhut.z
were also pj', 'sent...
NEW CHAIRMAN).ND VICE CBAI~: A motion was made by Margaret Thanpson
an~ seconded ..y Denis St.e!man that Chuck Hirt be named Chairman of the
Park and Recrtation commission.. ~!otion carried..
A motion was 11l1de by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Joe Bet.z that
Denis Stedman 1,e named Vice Chairman of the Park and Reoreation
CQmmissiono Mttion carriedo
o ' PARK ~ REq~l'ION LIASONSJ Newly appoin1:ed liasons from the Park
. . ,mid, Reoreat:bn ~0mt41ss1on are as follows:
. .' J.'oe Bets - C la.aka Community Schools
Pat Boyle .., t:&1:ver County Park Board
. . ~y Roeser -Lake Study Committee
':'.':':b FIELDS: Ken White said t.hatthe bases are not put.~own per-
....~ent:ly ana :here ~e no spikes fori.the bases. There liJ a
.,s..~ of bases l'issing. . .
" ~ .
" ~..
. . . . '
.:, Iferequested i:latBar.ry Brooks qo 'over the:it~les wi thgate keepers at
. ;';~e Ann Park ,\81:0 who is allowed to come . 'in the par!t wa1:ch the
6a11 qames. ' ..;
, ., '.
"", ,,' .
,,'.' B~r:y Wrase wit: find out if extra bases are available..tor' ,i'ofthall.
.:~esaid that he has not been reoe1:v.i#q Park and Recreati'on'minu1:eS 0
:.6J;~k Hirt requent.ed. that Dale'Grieg~ry and Henry wraserec.elw a
cOpy of the Park and Recreat1onmi~utea for each meetinq. ,
. . ' , A' ~oUon was made by Pat Boyle and 's~conded by Denis Stedrnan;':that
": . ,all bases on all l:hrae (3) baseball diamonds at Lake Ann. ~arJt be
]:)Qlted down by Thursday, June 5#. '1975 at 6:00 poMo M~.~lon ~rriedo
. .
Park and Recreat.ion Commission
June 3, 1975
Chanhassen Ci~y Hall
Henry wrase wll1 purchase 'three (3) Permanent: bases and three (3)
removable ones. 'the removable ones will be kept:' in the shed, the
:tesPOIlsibili ty for put.t.inq these back in the shed af'ter use, beinq
that. of the user. '
'rENNIS: A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by hi: Boyle
that. a s1gn be pos1:ed on theqate at Lake Ann Park readinq ,-'renn!s
Players Must Check 'With,Gat.ekeeper.- 'the 9'a~ekeeper will be responsible
for t.enn!., siqn-up. ' One hour reserva'tlons for one day at a t.ime will
be' taken. Reservat.ions will be he1dfor five (5) past. the
hQur. One re'servat.lon per day -perperson. Adult.s have priorit.y
& 5:00 p.m. and on week-ends. 'Muli:s are 18 years ,and older.
" These rules are t.o be post.ed inside the qat.ekeeper' shouse. MoUon
',BOND ISSUE: Kay K11ngelhut.z disCluss,ed 'the 1970 Bond Issue.
,. She will send out: a list. of any cJ1.aJ."ges made t.o i:he P~k ,and :Recreation
.futld alonq with 1:he minutes tol:'ark and Recreation members.. '
A,lIlot.ion was made by Denis S1:edman aDd seconded by Pa~ ~yle to adjourn
the'. Mot.ion carried 0 '
10 :20 '
Shirley McMullen