PRC 1975 08 05 ,..., Park and Recreatioti Commission A~gust 5, .1975 Ch~assen City Hall The regular meeting of the .i.lark and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman, Chuc}; Birt, at. 8:00 p.m. The following members were present: Dwight Leatllam, Joe Betz, Pat Boyle, Chuck Hirt, and Margaret Thompson. Roy Ro'rser and Denis Stedman were absent. Barry Brooks was also present.. . / .~;~~ "', MINUTES: A motion was m8CLe by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Pat Boyle to approve the July 15, 1,75 minutes. Motion carried.. LOT.US LAKE ACCESS: Discvssiori was tabled until more information is av.ilable. 1976 BUDGET: A motion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Joe Betz requesting that the City Council reallocate the $1,000.00 contribution t~ard the warming house for the hockey rinks, by the Chanhassen Athletic Association frml the Revenue Account to the Expenditures Account Skating Rinks '5:!. Approval of the budget W:i.S tabled until the next meeting. Henry Wrase, Dale Gregory, and Barry :~rooks will attend the next meeting to answer Park and Recreation membllrs' questions about the bUdget concerning: 1) Rentals 2) P1ayfie1ds 3) Maintenance 4) Operating Supplies 5) Capital Improvements . 6) Machinery and Equipment . ." TENNIS COURTS: A motion was made by: Margaret Thompson and seconded by "'Pa~ Boyle to ,ask City Council':'tb app;;rove the City of Chanhassen's participation in the construtrbion' CI#: two (2) tennis couri;'s on the .'Chi\t1hassen Elementary School prope~'ty. Chanhassen 's participating .(:qst would come, out of the Park Bond Issue. Mot.ion carried.. .' '. .:T~e, estimated cost for two (2):::pour't.s would be $12,000.00 to $15,000.09-;. , 'pa.~ Boyle would like someone tfom.t;p,~ City to attend witA her, the next. $ph,ool board ~eetin9 to discuss wh~ther such participation' Would be' . "f:easible" This meeting will be. Augij;~t 28, 1975. ..,:"..... Chuck Hirt re,a.d a. 'letter from Bob tiilliams requesting:::.,,;';'. i " ,': ,\' ~ . . (,-.: . 1) 2) 3) 4) l 5) Two (2).more 1ifeguai~tow~rs: Additional buoys to mark off the Ten (10) feet a1umin~pol~s for lifeguax-dsi . ". Umbrellas for lifeguardto~ers: A storage shed on the beaphQ swimming area; reaching assistance for ". . .~. ." - ....' , "'i.r>:~'~ ':.':<:'<.~~ ;-. .. \ 0, :~~'.~~ . ~ . . ',.. ,'. "-. ~ . . '. . . . . , (' \ ( ': . .~ - .-.. . .' <- Park and Recreation commission August. 5, 1975 Chanhassen Cit.y Hall -/ A request was made t.hat eac}l meDiber of t.he Park and Recreat.ion Commission receive a copy o~! thE final Park Ordinance. Chairman, Chuck Bin, sugges1~ed f:.hat. someone in City Hall be our liason t.o see that. our reque~ts are met. A mot.ion was made by Dwight. Leath'am and seconded by Joe Bet.a to adjoura. Motion carried. ~IME: 10:50 p.m. Shirley McMullen . Secret.ary ..."I -'