PRC 1975 09 16
Park and Recreation Comriussion
September 16, 1975
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the P.a.:ck and .Recr.ea,tion C01muission was called
to order by Chairman Chuck .8.:00. .p.m. . The: .following m~"l1bers
were present: Denis StE'..dman." Dwight Leatham,. Chuck I'1irt, Roy Ro~ser,
.Joe Betz,and Pat Boyle...,". 'l"'homps.on .lias.absent. Kurt Schm.i.d,
Director of Commwli ty Schools,. .was also pre.sent... .
. MINUTES : A motion was made. hy: .J.oe Betz and se.oond(!d by Roy Roeser
a tthe September 2, 197 !i.q.meeting .to .appro.v.e the August ~ 9.. 1975;.
~inutes. 1-10tion ca-rried.... " '" .. ..,.
COMU'ONITY SCHOOLS: Kurt. S.chmid, .D!recto:t:" gave a repor'l; on t.hes.\Ulllner .
program. He 'leers that this pr.ogram was .a ..succ.ess. A moti.on was' made
by Pat Boyle and seconded .by ,Dwight Leatham .to: recommend t.o .CityCoU!J.cil
the continuation of the t.otal Community. Schools.Pr.ogram. This program
has greatly improved, and .p.artic.ipationby. Cha~asBen members has
increased substantially. . This has been .subs.tantiated by Kurt Schmid
and the records he brought. Motion carried~
N.R.A. M.ElwlBERSHIP: Chuck Hirt .wil.l inves.t.igatetha possibility of
only one member Joining, .and .it discusse.d at the next meeting 0
, TENNIS COURTS: Barry Brooks. will go .to the School Board meeting to
r . dlscus's the proposed tennis ..cOu.:r.ts.a:t .the. Chanhassen Elen1entary School.
NOTE TO HENRY WRASE OR DAJ"EGR.EGORY.: Please att.end the .october.: 7, 1.975,.
meet;'j:ng to bring Park-and. Re.cre~ation members. up :t.o date OIl what has .
been done regarding improvement .of the ho,ckay x:i:nk.lights iinst.allation
of a window in the west e.ndofthe. 'Vl.arming. hous.e; .and '1:.he insta;llatlon
of the stepped, terraced .path at. .Lake Ann... . . '.'. .
. NOTE TO KAREN: Please send .a thank , note.. t{) Ri.chard Potts, President,
. . thanking tne Lion 1 s Club. .for. .making the .b~y:c:i~' x:ack and . team benches
'. at Lake Ann Park.. . . .. . .' '.' .
. . .
. . A motion was made by Dwight .Leatham .andse.cofided by .Roy .Roeser to.
adjQurr! t.he meeting. Motioncar.rie.d.,". ,; '.'..
TIME:: 9: 15 pom."
Shirley McMullen
Secretary "