PRC 1975 10 07
Park and Recreation Ccmnission
October 7, 1975
.,.... Chanhassen City Hall
The regular rreeting of the Park and Recreation Ccmnission was called to order
by Chairman Chuck Hirt at 8:00 p.m. M:!mbers prAsent: Denis Stedman, Chuck Hirt,
Roy Roeser, Joe Betz and Pat Boyle. Absent were: Margaret Thompson and IMight
MINUTES: M::m1bers did not receive the September 16, 1975 minutes.
HOCKEY RINK LIGHTS: The SIlO Snoopers have donated $200 for the installation of
these lights.
IAKE ANN PARK: A notion was made by Pat Boyle and seconded by Denis Stedman to
appropriate $200 of the Park and Recreation Budget to go for plantmgof trees at
lake Ann Park, if available.
TENNIS COURl'S: Pat Boyle talked to Superintendent Amundsen. The School Board
is putting together a proposal. They then wi 11 rreet with Barry Brooks and Pat
Boyle to negotiate. Hopefully they will be conpleted by June.
RILEY-PURGA'IDRY CREEK WATERSHED 'IDUR: Joe Betz will attend this tour and
inquire about possible funding for trails.
Joe Betz read a proposal he made to the City Council proposing that a Youth
o~ Council be fomed, conprised of 16 - 21 year olds.
A notion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Joe Betz to adjourn the
rreeting. fution carried.
TIME: 9:00 P.M.
Shirley M::Mullen