PRC 1974 01 15
park and Recreation Commission
January 15, 1974
Chanhassen Village Hall
The regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order
by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on January 15, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the
City Hall. The following members were present: Vivian Beaugrand, Rich
Lyman, Dave Wilson, Chuck Hirt, Arnie Weimerskirch, Denis Stedman and
Bill Engebretson. .
SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Mr. Jim Jones from Minnetonka Communit.y School
Program present.ed slides on the concept of group summer playgrounds..
Discussion followed.
WARMING HOUSE: Denis Stedman reported on the idea of a metal building
for a warming house. Mr. Homer Purdy from the Lester Co. was present
to give a vasic description of one of these buildings. Denis Stedman
will con1:inue work on this project.
ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER FOR WEST JR. HIGlt: Mr. Eugene Coleman was present
representing Randy Herman, the owner of the properties near West Jr.
High.. Mr. Coleman was interested in knowing City plans of this property
because Mr. Herman is interested in selling his property. Arnie
Weimerskirch and Steve Wolf will work on this project as citizens and
will keep the City informed on the property and help to idealize the
development of a school and nature area.
INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS: The following persons were ipterviewed for
'the Park and Recrea"cion commission: Margaret" Thompson, John White 11
Jerald Heydt, Dwight Leatham, Richard Wing.
A motion was made by Vivian Beaugrand and seconded by Rich Lyman to
recommend that Dwight Lea'tham and Margaret Thompson be appointed to the
Park and Recreation Commission. Motion carriedo
COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: Chuck Hirt will be the representative fram Chanhassen
to the Community Schools board. Arnie weimerskirch formerly held that
MINUTES: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Rich Lyman
to approve 'the December 18, 1973 minutes. Motion carried.
LAKE ANN GATE: A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Chuck
Hirt to open the qates in the winter at Lake Ann Park for groups, if
they call the City Hall. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Richard Lyman to adjourn
'the meeting 0 Motion carried 0
TIl(E: 10:45 pom~
Sharon.Loechler '