PRC 1974 01 29 Park and Recreation commission Minutes January 29, 1974 Chanhassen City Hall I The special Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order by ~hairman Vivian Beaugrand on January 29, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the City dall. The following members were present: Vivian Beaugrand, Denis Stedman, Chuck Hirt, Margeret Thompson, Dwight Leatham. Bill Engebritson and Rich Lyman we~e absent. LAKE ANN BEACH: A discussion was held in regards to the Beach, lifeguards ans swimming instructors. All Park and Recreation commission members will think about the fOllowing salaries so that a recommendation can be made to the City Council at the next meeting: Head Life Guard and Instructor 3.50 per hour 2nd year Life Guard and InstructortwSI 2.50,per hour 1st year Life Guard and Instructor/WSI 2.25 per hour" 1st year Life Guard and In.truol~ 2.00 per hour Mark Bielski $3.50/hr.$1,820000 for 13 weeks Henry Wrase and crew will be building thefQllowing budgeted items for the parks during spare time: 9 Picnic Tables and 9 Grills for Lake Ann 1 picnic Table and 1 Grill for Carver Beach 2 Gills for Chanhassen Estates 1 Bike rack for Lake Ann 1 swing set for Lake Ann Extend Lake Ann Beach Area Dress up bike path from Highway 17 to Lake Ann ~ The Administrator will purchase the following items for the Swimming Instructox 1 ring buoy, 6 kick boards, 1 rubber brick for diving, 1 large umbrella, 1 directors chair with GUARD painted on back, Refills for First Aid Kit, 100 corks, 1 aluminum pole. SIGNSs Denis Stedman and Chuck Hirt will work with the Administrator on signs for the Park. At the next meeting the Canmission will make recommen- dations for the following signs: Beach rules on the life guard stands Sign for the tennis court General information sign . WARMING HOUSE: Henry Wrase presented his ideas about the warming ~louseo A short discussion was held. The Park and Recreation Commission ~ecommend Denis Stedman be put on the Council agenda to talk about the war:lling house. A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Denis Stedman 'to adjourn the meeting 0 Motion carried 0 TIME: 10:45 pomo (r. Sharon Loechler Secretary