PRC 1974 02 05 Park and Recreation commission February 5, 1974 Chanhassen City Hall #". ;,.... The reqular Park and Recreation Commission meetinq was called to order by Chairman Vivian Beauqrand on Febrnary 5~ 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. The following 1ilembers were present: Vivian Beauqrand, Bill Engebretson, Rich Lyman, Dwiqht Leatham, Chuck Rirt. Oenis St.edman and Margaret Thanpson were absent.. OATH OF OFFICE: An oath office was taken by Dwight Leatham. The oath was 8i.qned and filed with the City Clerk. MINU'J.'BS I A motion was made by Bill Engebretson and seconded by Rich lyman to approve the January 15, 1974 minut.es after the follOWing correction: Chuck 81rt is the Canmunity Schools representat.ive from ChaDhassen to the Mlnnetonka School District.. Motion carried. A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Bl1l Engebret.f;Jon to approve the January 29, 1974 minutes. Motion carried. LO'l'US LAKE TOWNHOUSE DB\1.8LOPMBW.r: Mr. Bob Scera was present to review the proposed Lot.us Lake ToWnhouse Development. A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Bill Enqebretson that the. Park and Recreat.ion Cc:m.aission have reviewed the Zoning. Administtator's preliminary report and the ED9ineers and Planners report.s and the ccmmission recaumends that in the drafting of ~be agreement with the to '. developer that a firm commitment. be made t:hat. these recre~tiona1 ~ facilit.ies be completed: An indoor swimming pool,' . tennis court., tot play area, provisions be made for a skating rink, It Recreational cent.er whl~b will include shoWers, rest. rooms, Changing facilities, dress!n9 roau and a mul t.iple use room... Mot.ioh carried., SUMMBR HELP SALARIES: . A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck Hut to r'ec'amnend'the following salaries for summer help at. Lake Ann: Beach Director, Head Lifeguard/Xnst.ruct.or 2nd year lifeguard/Instructor WSI 1st year Lifeguard/Instructor WSI 1st year Lifeguard Mark Bielski Mo1:ion carried. The City will be takinq applications until )'farch 1, 1974. WARMING HOUSB: A motion was made by Chuck Birt and seconded by Bill Engebretson 1:hat. the Park and Recreation will go back to the original idea and consider only a wuminq house. Motion carried. GREBHWOOD SHORES: The City Administrator will check on what the cost of a l1qht would })e for the beach area. GBRBRAL INF01U4A'rION SIGN: A motion was made by Chuck' Hirt and seconded by Bill Bng-ebretsOD ~or 'the Cit.y Administrator 'to look ini:o the construction ,;- of a General Information sign at Lake Anno Motion carried. ~ SENIOR CI'l'IZDS: The Senior Citizens have donat.ed $250.00 to the Park and R8crea~1on Conms!ssion. 3.. 25/hr.. 2.50/br. 2. 25/hro 2.00 /br. 3020/hr. A'motion was made by Dwight Leatham. and seconded by Ricb" Lvman to_adjourn t.he meeti.ng~ Motion carried. TIME: 11:15 SharOf1 LoeclUer .