PRC 1974 02 19 - 10.' ,.... PARI< & RECREATION Cm1'-lISSION rHNUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1974 Chanhassen Ci,ty Hall The regular Park and Recreation Commission meetinq was called to order by Chair- woman Vivian Beaugrand on February 19, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. The followinq members were present: Vivian Beuaarand, Bill Engebretson, Denis Stedman, Margeret Thompson It Ri ch Lyman It andt)lIi Qht Leatham. Chuck Hi rt was absent. r'~i nutes A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Rich Lyman to approve the February 5, 1974 Minutes. Motion carried. !~armina House ~ Jack Ernst was present to explain his feelinos about a new warmino house. He feels if it is located close to the hockey rinks to eliminate hockey players from ~oing on the recreational rink. Also, an additional recreation rink, maybe on school, property, would eliminate some orob1ems on the recreational rink. Denis Stedman renorted that the cOS': of a metal buildino, 2411 x 24", will be about ~3,OOO.OO excludinQ the floor. He ''/111 have cost estimates available at the next meetinq for a building not to exceed 1,000 square feet. ~neral Information Sign An all built General Information Siqn would cost $295.nO. The city administrator will find out the cost of just the materials. Senior Citizens The Park and Pecreation COllT.'lissiof'l ",;11 write a letter to the Senior Citizens thankinq them for their donation. Lake Ann Park A motion was made by f1aroaret Thomoson and seconded by Denis Stedman to open the beach June 10, 1974. Motion cilf'ried. Fee for Lake Ann A discussion was held in regard5 to charqing a fee for Lake ~nn Park. The City Administrator will check into ~!ters for parkina. lions Club ~ The lions Club wants a n(!W project to work on one of Olr Parks. A discussion was held ir. regarc;s to something for our teen-aqers. The police will be i nvi ted to a meeting to tal f: about the problems. fC i Park & Recreation f1inutes February 19, 1974 Continued ....." Softba 11 ^ motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Rich Lyman to set March 19, 1974, as scheduling for the baseball diamonds. Motion carried. Adjourn A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Denis Stedman to adjourn the meeting. ~1ot1on carried. 10:00 Sharon Loech1f:r ( ..."J (,) ...)