PRC 1974 03 05
Park and Recreation
March 5, 1974
Chanhassen City Hall
'!'he regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called tocrder by
Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on March 5, 1974 a.t 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall.
'rhe following members were present: Vivian l~eaugrand, Denis Stedman,
Rich Lyman, Dwight Leatham, Chuok Birt, Bill ~ngebretson, Margaret
MINUTES: A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Denis Stedman
to approve the February 19, 1974 minutes. Motic\n oarried..
brietly about the planned development..
& motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Rich Lyman after re-
Y!ewing this plan the Park and Recreation Commissio'l recommends that
Bklund and Swedlund follow the City Ordinance in re~ards to presoribed
payment. in leau of land.. Motion carried..
The Commission feels an eventual need for a park in that sect.ion of t.he
RILEY-PURGATORY CREEK WATERSHEDD 1 A represent.ative frf!ll Barr Engineering,
Consul t.1nq Engineers for thtie Riley-Purgatory Creek Wattlrshedd District and
Conrad Piskness were presen 0 explain what the purposfl of the Riley-
Purgatory Creek Water shedd istrict. is. See Attacl'.ed information..
PARKING.MB'l'ERS: Curt Sorenson and Dan Harstad were present to explain
about Parking Met.ers for Lake Ann.. They explained ::ost.'3 for leasing or
buying meters and showed samples of meters availabl~.
No decision will be made until other methods of parl regulations are
:tRFORMA'l'ION CEN'l'ER: Dale Gregory showed a picture 0:' what the Information
center will look like.
A motion was made by Chuok Hirt and seconded by Rich :',yman to recommend that
the Council approve the General Information Center, ufing the $250.00
eJonabld by the Senior Citizens. Motion carried...
this Center will contain the Park Ordinances, Softball schedules and other
'ark Informat.ion.
IIGNS: A mot.ion was made by Chuck uirt and seconded by Denis Stedman
or the fOllowing signs to be made up by the City:
A. Tennis Court. Sign
1.. Tennis Shoes only
2. Limi t. Play to 1 hour
3. Adult Priority after 4:00 p.m.
4. Please keep area Clean
paqe 2
B. r,ife Guard Stand:
1. Life Guard Hours, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
2. No running or pushing on dock
3. No swimming under dock or beyond ropf::S
40 Ho bottles, cans or on beach
c~ Greenwood Shores:
1. No mini-bikes allowed
2. No swinooing after 10:00 p.m.
3. No motors on Lake Ann
rlotion carr led.
'rhe Park and Recreation Commission requests the City to put a trash CeU
hy the 'rennis Court.
'I'RASH C]\N CO\TERS: A motion \'las made by Denis Stedman and seconded by
(~hudi 'ifrr.t' Motr the City to purchase 10 Trash Can covers at $7..50 each
to be used at: the beach. Uotion carried.
nORSE ORDINANCE: D\"light. Leatham and Hargret Thompson \:ill represent
the- Park anu'R:ecreation Commission on the Horse Ordinance Conunitteo,
lI. motion "'las made by Chuck Hirt. and seconded by Denis St.edman t.o ad:-
journ the meeting. l~tion carried.
Time: 11 : 00 p. m .
Sharon I.oechler