PRC 1974 03 05 !'" r (r " Park and Recreation March 5, 1974 Chanhassen City Hall '!'he regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called tocrder by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on March 5, 1974 a.t 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. 'rhe following members were present: Vivian l~eaugrand, Denis Stedman, Rich Lyman, Dwight Leatham, Chuok Birt, Bill ~ngebretson, Margaret '1'bompson. MINUTES: A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Denis Stedman to approve the February 19, 1974 minutes. Motic\n oarried.. ElCLUND AND SWEDLUND PLANNED UNI'l! DEVELOPMENT: Ja~k Swedlund explained brietly about the planned development.. & motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Rich Lyman after re- Y!ewing this plan the Park and Recreation Commissio'l recommends that Bklund and Swedlund follow the City Ordinance in re~ards to presoribed payment. in leau of land.. Motion carried.. The Commission feels an eventual need for a park in that sect.ion of t.he City.. RILEY-PURGATORY CREEK WATERSHEDD 1 A represent.ative frf!ll Barr Engineering, Consul t.1nq Engineers for thtie Riley-Purgatory Creek Wattlrshedd District and Conrad Piskness were presen 0 explain what the purposfl of the Riley- Purgatory Creek Water shedd istrict. is. See Attacl'.ed information.. PARKING.MB'l'ERS: Curt Sorenson and Dan Harstad were present to explain about Parking Met.ers for Lake Ann.. They explained ::ost.'3 for leasing or buying meters and showed samples of meters availabl~. No decision will be made until other methods of parl regulations are invest.igated. :tRFORMA'l'ION CEN'l'ER: Dale Gregory showed a picture 0:' what the Information center will look like. A motion was made by Chuok Hirt and seconded by Rich :',yman to recommend that the Council approve the General Information Center, ufing the $250.00 eJonabld by the Senior Citizens. Motion carried... this Center will contain the Park Ordinances, Softball schedules and other 'ark Informat.ion. IIGNS: A mot.ion was made by Chuck uirt and seconded by Denis Stedman or the fOllowing signs to be made up by the City: A. Tennis Court. Sign 1.. Tennis Shoes only 2. Limi t. Play to 1 hour 3. Adult Priority after 4:00 p.m. 4. Please keep area Clean { ( . paqe 2 B. r,ife Guard Stand: 1. Life Guard Hours, 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2. No running or pushing on dock 3. No swimming under dock or beyond ropf::S 40 Ho bottles, cans or smold.ng on beach ....-I c~ Greenwood Shores: 1. No mini-bikes allowed 2. No swinooing after 10:00 p.m. 3. No motors on Lake Ann rlotion carr led. 'rhe Park and Recreation Commission requests the City to put a trash CeU hy the 'rennis Court. 'I'RASH C]\N CO\TERS: A motion \'las made by Denis Stedman and seconded by (~hudi 'ifrr.t' Motr the City to purchase 10 Trash Can covers at $7..50 each to be used at: the beach. Uotion carried. nORSE ORDINANCE: D\"light. Leatham and Hargret Thompson \:ill represent the- Park anu'R:ecreation Commission on the Horse Ordinance Conunitteo, lI. motion "'las made by Chuck Hirt. and seconded by Denis St.edman t.o ad:- journ the meeting. l~tion carried. Time: 11 : 00 p. m . ....,,;f Sharon I.oechler Secretary ....,I