PRC 1974 03 19 .~ t Park and Recreat.:l.on Conunlssion March 19, 1974 Chanhasst~n City Hall The regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting V]'as called to o:cder by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on March 19, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall.. The following members were present: 'Vivian Beauqrand, Denis Stedman, Rich Lyman, Dwiqht 1..eatham, Chuck Hirt and Bill Engebret- Bono Margaret Thompson was absent ~ MINUTES: A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Denis Stedman to approve the March 5, 1974 minutes after the following addition: "Bill Engebretson and Margaret Thompson were absent. 0 " Motion carried. TEEN CENTER: Mark Kurvers and Mark Kuzara attended the meeting in- quiring about a possible teen center in Chanhassen. The commission suggested they contact the civic group in Chanhassen and then report back to the Commission~ SCHEOU!.F OF BALL FIELDS: A motion w'as made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck H!rt to approve the following Ball Field Schedule. Motion carried. LAKE ANN FIELDS Days Field 1 r Monday Youth League 6:00 - 9~30 p"m.. (May - AUg\1(,t) Tuesday Youth Leag-ue Wednesday Adult Slow Pitch 6: 00 p.Ll. - Dark Thursday Youth League Friday Youth League Saturday Youth League 8:00 a.mo..' Noon Pield 2 pield 3 (Hwy" 5) Youth League Babe Ruth 6:00-8:30 p..rn. (May - August) Babe Ruth Youth League Adult Slow Pitch 6:00 p.rno - Dark Adult Slow Pitch 6:00 p.mo - n~k Youth League Babe Ruth Youth League Youth League Babe Ruth 8: 00 a"m. - Noon CITY HALL FIELD Girls Softball (Ages 9-15) Monday - Friday 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Women's Softball Monday - Friday Sunday 8:30 p.m. - Dark 4:00 p.rno - 6:00 porne , .,.... I ' \;." ... Page 2 PARKING METERS VS. FLA'r CHARGE FOR USE OF LAKE ANN PARK: A general discussion was held on a sticker charge for Lake Anll" It was felt more information should be gathered by the commission members before J a decision can be made. It will be discussed further at the next ~ meeting. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM: Vivian Beaugrand and Chuck Hirt explained the ~ommunity Schools program for swmner. A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Denis Stedman for Vivian Beaugrand and Chuck Hirt to assume responsibility to pursue the conununity school summer program. Motion carried.. WARMING HOUSE: Denis Stedman will have additional information on the wUnu.n9' house. ' A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck Hirt to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. TIME: 10:45 Sharon Loechler SEcretary ( ...) I.(.c ...,I