PRC 1974 04 02 Park and Recreation Commission minutes April 2, 1974 (~ Chanhassen City Hall The regular Park and Recreation commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Vivian Beauqrand on April 2, 1974 at 8:00 porn. in the City Hal.).. The following members were present: Vivian Beaugrand, Denis Stedman, Rich Lyman, Dwight Leatham, Bill Engebretson, and Margaret Thompson. Chuck Dirt was absent. MINUTES: A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Bill Engebretso to approve the March 19, 1974 minutes. GREENWOOD SHORES: A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Bill Engebretson to recommend that the Council approve the Flood light for Greenwood Shores Beach. Motion carried. "... WARMING HOOSE: Denis Stedman reported that an unpainted metal building with a cement floor for a warming house would cost about $5,000.00. Harold Lund stated that he would paint the building. A motion was made by Marqaret Thanpson and seconded by Denis Stedman to recommend to the Council for them to qo for price quotes for a warming house, and if price quotes exceed $5,000.00 to cancel and request sealed bids. Motion carried. LIFE GUARDS: The Life guards have been hired for Lake Ann. A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Rich' Lyman t.o set the fees for swimming lessOn'. fees as follows: $6.00 per child per session not to exceed $15.00 per family, with a 75' quarantee of Lesson time. Mot.ion carried. ~ May 21, 1974 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. will be registration for swim- ming. vivian Beauqrand, Denis Stedman, Rich Lyman and Margaret. Thompson will be on hand for registration. FEE FOR THE PARK: A motion was made by Vivian Beauqrand and seconded by Rich Lyman to recommend that the Council approve a Sticker fee for Lake Ann of $1.00 for Chanhassen residents and $5000 for Non-Residents and a $1000 charge per car without a stickero This would be enforced on weekends from 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. with a part time employee at. the gate. Bill Engebretson voted no. Motion carried.. This fee is designed to help pay for park maintenance. Bill Engebretson feels there should be no charge. FRONTIER DAYS: A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Denis stedman for the Council to approve that the Sno-Snoopers hold a Softball Tournament, July 5, 1974 from. 6:00 p.m. - dark, July 6 fran 10:00 a.m. - dark, and July 7 from 10:00 a.m. - dark, using all 3 fields. Motion carried. -2- Note: The Park and Recreation Connnission would like to know what happened to the Park Ordinance" A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Denis Stedman to .....I adjourn the meeting.. Motion carried. TIME: 9:4Sp'.m. Sharon Loechler Secretary ( ..",I ....."