PRC 1974 05 07 r,-.. f,.... f ,..... Park and Recreation Crnnmission May 71' 1974 Chanhassen City HAll The regular Park and Recreation Commission meet.ing was called to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on, May 7, 1974 at. 8:00 pomo in the City Hall. The following members~~re present: Vivi~ Beaugrand, Bill Engebretson, Chuck Hirt, Dwight Leatham If Rich Lyman and Denis Stedman.. Margaret Thompson was absent.. MINUTES: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Denis Stedman to approve t.he April 16, 1974 minutes after t.he fOllowing addition: Clifford French presented an idea of Metropolitan Funding for a Metropolitan Facility on Lake Minnewashta.. Motion carried. -# KAY FAUST- LAKE ANN: Kay Paust was present to talk about the problems at Lake Anno She stat.ed that she felt. the problems were fr~outslde residents.. She would lik'! to see more police protect.ionlf:..t. ..aka Ann.. Discussion followedo ..:r A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by' Chuck Hirt to recommen4' that the City Council discuss with the Sheriff's Office about the need for more patroling at Lake Anno Motion carriedo DALE GREGORY-LAKE ANN: Dale Gregory was present discussing the possibility of a road to Lake Ann Beach.. The need WGuld be primarily for police protection and emergency vehicles, to drop off persons and boatso Discuss! followed 0 A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Chuck Dirt for the City to put in a gravel turn around road at the east side of the fartest parking loto Motion carried" TENNIS COURT PARKING: A motion was made by Churck Birt . ./ . . . -:- - . to have enough crushed rock placed by the Tennis Courts I:or four parking spaces" A discussion was held that this may make the park look too spotty. The Commission also talked about. the cars illegally parking on the grasso This should be taken care of in the park ordinanceo In vi~w of the comments Chuck Hir~ withdrew his motion. LARGE GROUPS AT LAKE ANN: A discussion was held in regards to large gruops reserving the parko The Commission decided that the Park is not available to be reserved for anyone 0 BUS FEES: A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Denis Stedma that i.n respect to buses (a vehicle holding more than 10 persons) be charged 10000 to enter the park.. TRE2S: Many new trees have been planted in the park. Francis Klein has donated most of them. ROY LEACH: Roy Leach was present to discuss the problems at the public l.anding on Lake Minnewashtao The Connuission decided that strict patroling of this area would help the problem.