PRC 1974 05 21 . "'" PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION l4ay 210 1974 Chanhassen City Hall The regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called t.o order by Chairman Vivian Beauqrand on May 2!, 1974 at 8:30 p.m. in the City Halld The following members were present.: Vivian Beaugrand, Chuck Hirt, Dwight Leatham, Denis Stedman, and Mar9'aret Thompson~ Bill Engebre~son and Rich Lyman were absent. Minutes A mot.ron was made by Dwight. Leatham and seconded by Chuck Hirt to approve the May 7, 1974 minut.es. Motion carried. !.nformation Sign A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Margaret Thompson t.o dedicate the Informat.ion 819'n in the honor of the Senior Citi- ;;ens on June 9, 1974 at 4:30 p~m.. Motion carried. The Administrator should have a' plaque made up to be put on t.he Information Sign honoring the Senior Citizens. Frontier Days-Lake Ann Park Roy Roeser was present. requesting the t.hree ball fields at Lake ,Ann on Friday, Sat.urday, and S~day over }"rontier Days. He also wapted the $1000 fee waived that week-end. (,-.. A motion was made by Denis Stedman a~d seconded by Dwigth Leatham to allow Frontier Days to have the 3 ball fields Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at Lake Ann Park during Frontier Days and waive the $1.00 fee that week-end. Motion carried. Ruth Hallsten RUtn Hallsten representing a real est.ate firm explained about prop- erty being for sale an 212 south in the western corner of Chanhasseno She fal t part of it lfould be good for. a nature area. She wanud to' know if the City would be interested in it far a park. The price asked is $800..00 per acre. Injur~ at Park The' CJ..ty Administrator explained about the boy being injured at Lake Ann ball Field. lr A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Chuck Hirt to table any action on this matter until the Commission has investi- gated it more Q Motion carried..' Parks Cl~~ford French from the Hennepin Co.~nty Park System was present to ,<,explain an idea about a county park on Lake Minnewasht.ao Adjaurnment A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Dwight Leathm to adjourn the meeting.. Motion carried. iI"'" (,-., ( "'"' -2- STICKERS FOR LAKE ANN: The Connission felt the stickers to the entrance to Lake Ann should be placed on the front window passenger side.. A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Dwight. Leatham to adjourn the meeting" Motion carried.. TIME: 10:45 Sharon Loecbler Secretary