PRC 1974 06 04
The regular Parkatldf. Recreation Commissi.on meetinq was called to
order by Chairman Vivi.anBeaugrand on J"une 4, 1974 at. 8:00 p.m. in the
city Hall. The following members wer.e present: Vivian Beugrand, Bill
Engebretso~, Chuck Hi:t",t, Dwig.,ht Leatham.. ~largaret Thompson and Rich
Lymano.Den1s.Stedman was abs~n~" Guests present included Dick Dutcher
Dick W1.nq, R.1ck Hansen, Lowell Vetter, NorvelJ.e Gilbertson and Vern
MI~: A motion was made by Chuck flirt and seconded hy Bill F...."lgehretson
. t'.o approve the Hay 7 minut,.,.." ""f'l-eJ;; the follow]." n('r -dd': t ~ .. n. B' f .
'~;ad motion carrieao '~~5!ioti':'1oa~;t"iGQ,<t" :;J Q .;, .~.I.>~J .. . .1S ees.
, A In-:Jt:!.m.l ~T!\3 made' by Chn~k H:i..r.t and seconded by Bi.ll Engebretson
t,Q appro-;re 't.he May 21 m:i.nl1tes after the following co:n:ectionc The Senior
citizen picI:'..i.c sho~ld read June 19 l:nsteaC"!. OI ..'June 90 I1c'l::ion ('!arried...
DALE GREGORY-LAKE ANN PARK:After di$cussion on the bases used on the
na11 fie:CciS; a mOtion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded. by
Chuck Hirt to leave the bases on at Lake An.n 0 ~lotion car:d.ed" The
motion was amellded by Dill Engebretson and secolldE".d by Chuck ai:t"t t.o
read the commission does not f.eel ther.e is any u!'l~~.fmD.1 lia.bility with
our present equipment. Motion carried~ ~vi9ht will report back after
investigating the~e~y aspects of the bases.
The Amninistrator will invite the persons involved in the accident
to the next comrnission meeting&
NEW HIRES: A motion was made by Chuck II.irt and seconded by Bill Engebretson
w approve the hiring of Kevin Knott. and John Robinson for Lake Ann
gate att,endants at $2,,00 an hour and~t.o hire two more young menll. who
qualify under the SUInmer Youth Emplo~~n~r~rt Act for miscellaneuos park
work.. !4ot.ion carried. ...'4/i;fij1
BALL DIAMOND RESERVATION: Vern Zetah from Zetah Construction asked to
reserve, 4raIiiondSfor~ a softball tOl.u:nament July 27 and 28. He was told
the little league players hav'e it reserved for saturday mornings" Be
was also informed ~here is a $50/a day charge to local teams, and a $50
clean-up deposit. After agreeing to t.hese arrangements ~ a motion was
made by ~~r9aret Thompson and seconded by Chuck Hirt to reserve three
diamonds July 27 from 12:; 00 noon to dark and two dia.monds Ju:ty 28 from
8:00 a.m~ to darkg Motion carried"
BERNIE DREN1~ICK: Bernie Drevnick fro~~~~e~carver County SheriffBs
Pitrol 'was 'present to explain filei,;r roll 'in Chanhasselll s police protection..
Mr.. Drevnick recomnended the following emergency procedure for the
life guards at Lake Ann Park~
Call Chanhassen's emergency number and request for the police and
the ;.ire rescue t.:'Cuck"
...t~.r.aecessary If also tell dispatcher to send Smith'l1ance.
-'~ -',' ,'$*~:'~'
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Mr. Orevnick went on to inform the commission that Lake Ann Park
is ohecked by the sheriff's patrol one time per eight hour shift not
countinq opening or closing park. He also made the following suggesti~ ~
1. Some kind of a communication system is needed at the entrance .."""
for the attendant.
2. A no-trespassing ordinance..
3. 15 M.P.H. speed limit signs.
4. A resuscitator for the beach.
Margaret Thompson will look into the feasibility of a resuscitator.
Henry will check on a radio or phone to use at the entrance.
A motion was made by.. Margaret Thompson and seconded by Chuck Hirt
to strongly recommend t.hat the Council review the police protection at
the Lake Ann Park and the overall protection of the residents of
Chanhassen. Motion carried.
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION:Several of these organizations have contacted
Vivian aSking for ~ree admittance to the park facilities at Lake Ann.
A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Bill Engebr..etst
to charge 1:hese organizations regular admission fees. Motion carried.
Margaret Thompson.voted no..
ESTABLISHING PICNIC ZONE AREAS:This will be discussed at the next
mee1:ing due to the late hour:-
BAsEBALL STIClCERS: A motion was made by Chuck Dirt and seconded by
Margaret Thompson to admit uniformed little> league players the evenings
of regularly scheduled games. Special stickers will be sold for $1 to
the five Vict.oria players to admit them on practice nights. The men's...",,;
softball league regularly scheduled for "Wednesday 6nlyRsticker for $1.
Mot.ion carried.
In October, the commission will study a fee schedule for ball field
usage for the 1975 season..
BOURS FOR PARK ATTENDANT: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded
by Dwight Leatham to set the hours for park attendants at 11 ~ OOa.m.
to 7:00 p.m. Motion carried.
The commission feels that if disturbances continue at Lake Ann Park
during the eveninq hours an adult should be hired t.o patrol the parke
PARK ORDINANCES: The City Attorney did not have them ready for the'~
comisslon. "\,'
GREENfiOOD SHORES: The Admi,nisuator explained t.hat another resident in
.e area wants a no parking sign on his property.. The council wanted
the Commissions recommendations on the matter 0
The Park and Recreation Commi&~lion is ~".:!:: ,=,,~"lposed t.o another sign
in Greenwood Shores but feels that it. is a matter for t.he council to
, ,....
- 3-
REGIONAL RECREATION AREA : After a discussion on the concept earlier
outii"ned by Mr. French,Aa motion was made by Dwight Leatham and
seconded by Margaret Thompson to form an ad hoc conmittee consisting
of seven members to study the feasibility of suoh a park. The
committee will be made up of five citizens fram representitive neighbor~
hoods, one member from the Park and Recreation 'Commission and one
member from the Planning Commission to meet bi~eekly beginning June 13
at 7:30. Motion carriedo
Margaret thompson will represent the Park and Recreation Commission
and all other members will stay actively involved in the project.
A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck Hirt to
adjourn the meeting.. Motion carried.
Time: 12:20 a..m.
Vivian Beauqrand
Acting secretary