PRC 1974 06 18 PARK AND RECRI.:.:ATION MINUTES ,.... JUNE 18, 1974 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL The regular Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on June 18, 1974 at 8:00 pom. in the City Ballo The following members were present: Vivian Beaugrand, Chuck Hirt, Dwight Leatham, Denis Stedman, and ~~rgaret Thompson, Bill Engebretson and Rich Lyman were absent. Guests attending were: Tom Klingelhutz, Marty Jensen, Allen Roth, Ben Hoffman, and Mayor Al Klingelhutz 0 Minutes . A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by owi'ght Leatham to approve the June 4, 1974 Park and Recreation minutes after the following addition. Under Dale Gregory-Lake Ann Park, add Dwight voted no saying enough facts weren't known or alternate means for equipment or maintenance.. Motion carried. Frontier Dinner Theatre-Picnic Frank Schoebein was asking about the possibilities of an employee picnic for Frontier Dinner ~eatre between 600 to 1000 employees and families to be held Monday, July 29, 1974 from 3:00 p.m. to dusk, to be held at Lake Ann Park. I"'" The Commission explained parking would be a problem and asked if 'a bus system could be used. They also told him all base ball diamonds are sch~duled after 6:00 p..m.. The Commission explained the park can not be reserved for one group.. Mr. Schoebern said the picnic committee would meet and make a deci- sion and let the City know if they st,ill wanted to use the park. explain the proposed rural character-low- There would be 11.8 Discussion followed.. The commission reviewed the 8 point check list and all requirements are satisfactory except they feel a follow up on provision 3 should be made regarding neighborhood playgrounds. Lake Ann Beach Ben Hoffman, head lifeguard, was present to discuss the possibility of a resusitator 0 Margaret Thompson stated it would cost about $250.00.. Ben Hoffman said it would be nice to have and the city would definitely need one within the ne~t 2-5 yea~$. Di~cussion followed. ,.... Page 2 ,..., A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Margaret Thompson to have the City buy a resusitator for about $250.00, 15 minute capacity, with a pressure gauge, the brand being the same as the rescue squad. Motion carried.. The following items were ordered in January and the lifeguards still do not r...a.ve them: 1. 1 ring buoy 2.. 1 rubber brick 3.. 1 large umbrella ~cident at Lake Ann. A11en Roth was'present to explain the accident on Lake Ann Ball Fields. It was a practice game and the bases were not being used. Discussion followed. 4. 1 directors chair(guard on ba S. 100 corks 6. 1 aluminim pole Marty Jensen, Park Director of Eden prairie Recreation, stated that these bases are the safest bases and that they leave them in perma- nently all summer. They have had no problems with loss.. A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Chuck Hirt to put the bases in permanently at Lake Ann and the bases should be checked and the bases should be raked by Village Maintenance Men. Motion Ci,,;;."ried.. ,.... MSAS Tom Klingelhutz explained the proposed MSAS 101 Corridor Study to the Commission. A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Dwiqht Leatham to approve the proposed corridor study of MSAS 101 from County Road 1& to County Road 17 and feel the passenger way and bike path should be built at the time the road is const.ructed. Motion carried. Lake Riley-Marty Jensen Marty Jensen explained the preliminary plans for 185 acres on the eastern portion of Lake Riley.. He wanted to know how t.he green area fit with Chanhassen's qreenway system. Rich Lyman entered the meeting. A raotion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Denis Stedman to support the concept of Eden prairie's 185 acre plans for Lake Riley because it. ties into our Park COrridor concept.. Motion carried. "... Lake Ann-Gate A discussion" was held in regard t.o keep t.he boy at the gat.e until 9:30 p..m.. A AllOtion was made by Vivian Beaugrand and seconded by Denis St.edman to experiment with extending the hours at. the gat.e until 9:30 p.m. for two weeks.. Motian carried" Page 3 Lake Minnewashta Committee Margaret Thompson asked if she could get more direction from the City for the committee in reqards to Benileplnn-Carver County Park ....", on Lake Minnewashta. Discussion followed. Swimming Refund A mot.ion was made by Dwight: Leatham and seconded by Chuck Birt to refund money pro rate basis aocording to the schedule for swimming lessons if a disability occurrs. Motion carried. Adjo~n AllOt on was made by Dwight Lea1:ham and seconded by Denis Stedman to adjourn the meeting_ Motion carrieda 'rime: 11:40 Sharon Loechler Secretary ...." ....",.