PRC 1974 07 16 f,.... PARK & RECREATION CO!~~ISSION MINUTES July 16, 1974 Chanhassen City Hall The regular Park and Recreation Comraission meeting was called to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on July 16, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall. The following members were present : Vivian Beaugrand, Chuck Hirt, Dwight Leatham, Denis Stedmanq r1argaret Thompson, Bill Engebret- son & Rich Lyman. Minutes A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck IIirt to approve the June 18, 1974 Park and Recreation minutes. !1otion carried. City Staff Dale Gregory reported the swing/slide set has been repaired and the new one installed at Lake Ann. The new grills are also in. Dale re- ported the Sno Snoopers did an excellent job of cleaning up after the Frontier Days Softball Tournament. A letter will be sent thanking them. Ben Hoffman reported on the progress of the beach program. 109 people registered for lessons the firt session and 86 for second session. 33 passed the Red Cross cleasses out of a possible 68. The percentage is (,.... greater than the 1973 program. . There have been no major injuries at the beach. A suggestion was made by Denis stedman to better identify the life guards on duty. A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconden by Rich Lyman that the $15 maximum charge per family is for each session. ~!otion carried~ Kay Klingelhutz went over the 6 month budget with members. Kay pointed out two areas of concern, codes 431 and 432. t,-... $2,329 has been collected for entrance fees up to July 14. Rich Lyman made a motion seconded by Chuck Hirt that money from Park fees be ear-marked for return to Park Systau. riotinn carried. Plan opment.. The Park and Recreation Commission has several concerns: I Public will be required to provide play area unless something is provided in the development. 2 Refer water outlet to watershed district for comments.. Note: The Commission requests a report from watershed Districtc 3 Specifically, what will be proposed for use of open space(marina, boat landing, docks, etc.) 4 Detailed design of trailway systenl so maintenance cost can be studied. 5 Specific usage of parking area. 6 Concern over number of entrances on Highway 101. Page 2 Ken Beierdorf's prO~Sed Development Plan Bruce Pankonin of Ur an Planning and Design explained land usage of.."" property south of Highway 5 and east of Chanhassen Estates. He mentioned the possibility of dedicating the open Greenway space on the southwest corner of the property adjacent to Chanhassen Estates. The commission asked the Administrator to review with Eden Prairie the possible linkage of this Greenway system with their plans for Rice Marsh Lake and Lake Riley. . Carver Beach Leslee Nelson, Dave Wilson and Jim Cranston, representing the Carver Beach OWners Association, requested the Park and Recreation Commission help and advise them with problems at beach and park areas. The Commission feels that most of the problems are covered in the new ordinance. . There is $122 left in the Carver Beach Park budget for signs to help enforce ordinances. The money can also be used for railroad ties requested by them. A motion was made by Rich Lyman and, seconded by Chuck Hirt to support a system of regulating Carver Beach boat landing. Motion carried. Harold Hesse PUO-l A . mot.1ol) was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Margaret Thompson asking for professional assistance to help us maintain the preserva- tion of the Bluff Creek Area for the Greenway System. Chaska Park and Recreation commission will be invited to the next meeting to discuss connecting the Greenway System with theirs. ......" LAWCON ~;>lication The CommJ.ss1on was advised of the application that was sent in July 12, 1974. Miscellaneous The ordinance was passed out and will be reViel'led at the next meeting. Denis Stedman reported on the progress of the warming house. A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by Rich Lyman requesting a letter be sent to the Watershed District aSking for a July or August reading of Lake Minnewashta. lfotion carried. Adjourn A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Uargaret Thompson to adjourn 'the meetinq. Motion carried. Time: 12:00 Chuck Hirt/Vivian Beauq~and --'