PRC 1974 08 06
~Park and Recreation Commission
:', August 6, 1974
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called
to order by presiding Chairman Chuck Hirt on Auq.. 6, 19,74 at 8:00 ponl..
~ the City Hall.. The fOllowing members were present: Churck Hirt,
DWight Leat.ham, Denis Sted.rnan, Bill Enqebretson, Margaret Thompson
and Rich Lyman.. Absent was Vivian Beaugrand..
MINtrrES: A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Denis
S~edman to approve the minutes of the July 16, 1974 meeting.. Motion
COMMITTEE TO STUDY LAKES: The City Administrator discus.sed the plan
of the City Council to set up a committee to study the lakes in
Chanhassen. The Council wOUld like the Park and Recreation Conunission
~~. specify some specific guidelines that t.hey would like the Committee
to fo1low and investigate in their study..
HESSE PROPERTY-GREENWAY SYSTEM: pat.rick McGarvey, City Administrator
for Chaska, and Carl Griep, Chairman of the Chaska Park and Recreation
C~ssion were present to discuss'how their qreenway system ties
into ours in relation t.o the Hesse property.. The upper a.rea of Bluff
C~$ek t.ies into the Chaska Greenway by Hazeltine.
LEAGUE SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS: A motion was made by Denis St.edman and
seconded by Bill Engebretson to allOW' the Wednesday night softball
,league to have their play-offs on August 24 and 25, 1974 using 2
ball fields, with no fee for the use of t.he fields beyond the $50..00
d~posit for clean up purposes.. Motion carried..
W~ING HOUSE: Denis Stedman discussed the wa1.-minq houseo Sussell
~~J.l build a wooden structure 30'x<22' for $2300..00 excluding t.he
floor and paint for the exterioro Amotion was madeby~~a.rgaret
ThOmpson and seconded by Bill Engebretson to present the proposal
with our recommendation to the Council for action 0 Ilofotion carried..
CUANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSN: Norval Gilbertson from the Athletic Assn..
'YOuth League wants to reserve ball diamond #3 on Auqo 10,1974 for
1;118 AIL-Star game, staz:lng at 11:30 aom..and ending at 3:30 p.rno
'No motion was beeded as this was pas,sed on the previous ball schedule..
.CONDITION OF BALL FIELDS: Lowell Vetter and Norval Gilbertson from
the Athletic Asan. discussed some cOJ."uplaini:s about the conditions of
th.,e ball fie1pso We should find out from Dale Gregory howo,ften
t.he ball fields are dragged and canft be more of ten 0 Ca,n dirt: be
nlCl,a.e available to fill in hole's..Er'ratic dimensions, should be 60 fto
between each base. Can some compost:e:ion be used on the infields 0
C,heck with Eden prairie to see what . they have used at Round Lake.
Discussion: Are the residents of Chanhassen deriving any benefits from
~rcontribution to the Community Services? The membe~s Qf the
Athletic ABsn.. feel that better uSe of money might bet.o use it in
Chanhassen programs..
Page 2
Resolved: We should make some lonq-range plans in reqards 'to ball
fields. RE: new fields, ligh'tinq of old. Dale Gregory should
check in'to the possibility of developing a new ball field behind
the rinks 'this fall. Dale should perhaps check with Warren Carlson ..."I
and maybe they can work together 0 Do we have an ex1:ra backstop?
We should consider b@ches in ball parks in our budget for
next year 0
We request emphai:ically that we have a secretary present at 1:he
nex1: meeting.
PARK ORDINANCE: Discussion began on the Park Ordinance. We progressed
through Section 'through section 14.
A mo1:ion was made by Denis St.edman and seconded by Bill Engebretson
to adjourn the Motion carried.
TIME: 11:30 p.m.
Marqaret Thompson Secretary