PRC 1974 08 20
Park and Recreation
AUgust. 20, 1974
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Comraission was called
to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on Imgust 20, 1974 at 8:00 p.m.
in the City Hall. The following luembers were present: Denis Stedman
Bill Engebretson, Chuck Hirt, Dwight Leatham and Vivian Beaugrand.
Rich Lyman and Margaret Thanlpson were absent.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Bill
Engebretson to approve the minutes of the August 6, 1974 meeting.
Motion carried.
CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSN: Lowell Vetter, represent the CAA read a
list of requests from ~le organization:
1. Add some limestone composition to the infields at Lake
Ann Park - Dale Gregory and Lowell Vetter will check into the cost
of the project and report back at the next meeting.
2. Change the field dimensions at Lake Ann Park. The CM
would like one Babe Ruth field with 90 ft. markers, one softball
field with 60 ft. markers and make the remaining field a regulation
Little League field. The Park and Recreation Commission did not
act on this suggestion~
3. Put. in t.wo softball fields behind the hockey rinks.
Change the existing backaop and put the other backst.op'. t.hat
is being stored in the shed. A motion lflas made by Denis Stedman
and seconded by Chuck Hirt to have Dale Gregory ~70rk with the CAA
to install the backstops. Motion carried.
4. The CM wanted to know if the Park and Recreation Commission
can work ,.,ith School District #112 to provide more diamonds on school
property. Vivian Beaugrand will '::alk to Mr. Amundson about the
possibility of a joint venture.
Tom Faust, also from the CM, feels that t.he Park and Recr~ation
Commission should have better plans for the future needs of xecreation
for Chanhassen residents. He said that the City should provide
more and better facilities or get directly involved in providing
Denis Stedman volunteered to act as the laison be~1een the Lake
St-qdy Committee and the Park and Recreation Commission..
Th~ Park and Recreation commission sets forth the following suggestions
~~ guidelineafor the Lake Study Group:
, ,...
1. State and County Ordinances concerning lake l..1sages~
2. Adaptabili ty or parti.culaJ.' 1.ak~~s conce:cning usage.
3.. Ecological affec.ts of llsa98 't.o hlater B.nd envi:ron.ment.
<4" Commercial usage (PUhlic .1m1din~Js) 0
Page 2
s. Development Impact
6. Launching sites (Preference should be given to waterfront. ",,'
owners) .
7. Parking facilities.
8. Power boats (limit number of boats 'and hors~ power of
9. Water skiing.
10. Ice fishing.
11. Methods of control.
PARK ORDINANCE: The Park and Rm:reation Commission will continue
to review the ordinance at meetings.
PARK AND RECREATION BUDGET: Dal~) Gregory reported on the prt\qr~',S
of site development. He feels that the main concern should conl.inue
at the Lake Ann Site. More qrill~l and tables will be need'ld f/Jr
the 1975 season. More fencing for the ball fields, team,
and a storaqe shed on the beach arC!& for lifequartt equipmlln*' should
be priorities. Bet.ter liqhtinq for the hockey rinks shaul'~ also
be 'considered.
The Park and Recreation Commissioi.'). also feels that ChS.':lusen' s
involvement in the Community Schools concept should rl continued.
The program has been plaqued with problems. However, School District
112 is hiring a new director, ani! we feel .chat we #~J.ould give
this person an opportunity to prove the program is \'1orthwhile.
INCREASED LAWCON FUNDING: A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and
s~conded by Denis Stedman to support legislatio'. now pending
calling for a It 3 times plus It increase annually in LAWCON funding.
Motion carried.
. Tbe Administrator will send letters to Senato'.s Monda;~e . and Humphrey
and Representative Nelsonaskinq them tosu',J1.ort. the bill.
BES.SE FARM: A motion was made by Denis St!dman and seconded by
Chuclt Hirt:. to support Carl Dale's report '}.1 "Park, Open Space,
Recreation Needs - Vicinity of Hesse FarrJ." Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dwight Leathamanf seconded by Bill Engebretson
to adjourn the meeting. Motion carriFd.
TIME: 11:30 p.m.
V!v5l\n Beauqrand