PRC 1974 09 17
Park and Recreation Commission 1'-1inutes
September 17, 1974
C~anhassen City Hall
~ The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to
order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on September 17, 1974 at 8:00 p.m.
The following'members~re present: Denis Stedman, Bill Engebretson,
Margaret Thompson, Chuck Hirtg Rich Lyman; Dwight Leatham and Vivian
Beaugrand. No one was absent.
MINUTES: Because of a lack of quorum on September 3, 1974, there was
no . meeting..
A motion was made by Chuck Hirt and seconded by Margaret Thompson to
approve the minutes of the August 20, 1974 meeting. l>1otion carried.
SUMI,mR PROGR1U~: Jim Jones I r.Unnetonka COlnnlunity Schools Program, was
present to discuss the summer program. He reported 54 children enrolled
in the program at Cathcart Field and l>1innetonka Junior High. He was
disappointed more didn't enroll but said the location (Minnetonka Jr.
High) could have been better. There was good attendance and there was
a positive response from questionaires sent to parents"
The half-day at Minnetonka Jr. High was $200~OO and the two half-days
at Cat:hcart Fiel:1 was $400.00. We received a regist.ration credit of
$54.00 and a tennis program credit of $147.00" The cathcart Field
charge will be shared with Shorewood. Chuck Hirt will work "chis out
with Shorewood.
Co. The Park and Recreation Commission will review the Community Schools
~. Lifeguard Program next spring..
District il12 Community Schools progr&~ had an enrollnlent of 45 children.
The total charge was $769.90. A credit of $375.00 will bring Chanhassen's
cost down to $394.90.
BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE: Richard Lyman gave a report on the Committee.
LANCON APPLICATION: The Watershed District has asked to have representation
at thier next meeting on. October 2, 1974 at 7:30 pont" at the Eden prairie
City Hall. The Watershed Distric~ was contacted by the Metropolitan
Council to give their recommendation on the LATrlCON Application for Phase II
of Lake Anno All members are urged to attend"
PROJECTS: Dick Dutcher was present to discuss the Lake Minnewashta Ad
Hoc Committee..
A motion was made by Margaret Thompson and seconded by O",Tight Leatham
-'stating that the one representativef.rom t.he Planning Commission lives
outside the Lake Miiiiiewashta '-area to conform with the. original intent of
the Ad Hoc Motion carriedo
The Ad H~C Committee will give a preliminary report on the views of
area res~dents at the October 29, 1974 Park and Recreation Meeting.
(JI"'" 'rhe Park and Recreation Commission asked for the assistance from the Cit.y
Planner, when hired, to work with the CarV"er County Park Board project..
Page 2
W~lING HOUSE: Denis Stedman reported that the Council had not acted
yet 'on the latest plans for the warming house..
BUDGET: A discussion of the 1975 Budget followed.. Members expressed ...",
concern that only the amount of Dale Gregory's salary that is Park
Maintenance should be reflected in the Park and Recreation Budget..
A motion was made by Richard Lyraan and seconded by Chuck Hirt to
approve the 1975 Budget with an adjustment to salary components. All
mexnbers voted in favor exoept Dwight Leatham who voted noo Motion oarried.
A motion was made by Denis Stedman and seconded by Chuck Birt to adjourn
the meeting. Motion carried..
TIME: 11:30 p.rno
Vivian Beaugrand
Acting Secretary
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