PRC 1974 10 01
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Park and Recreation Commission
October I, 1974
Chanhassen, MN
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation commission was called
to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on October 1, 1974 at 8:00
p.m. The following members were present: Denis Stedman, Rich
Lyman, Chuck Hirt, t-targaret Thompson, Dwight Leatham and Vivian
Beauqrand. Bill Engebretson was absent.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Rich Lyman and seconded by Chuck Hirt
to approve the minutes of the Sept.. 17, 1974 meeting. Motion carried.
WATERSHED DISTRICT: Conrad Piskness from the Riley-Purgatory
Watershed District was present. He went over the Eck~.und and Swedlund
Development plan and explained why the Watershed District did not
approve the plan.
Conrad Piskness also explained the trail system as planned by Eden
Prairie. Their t.railway along Purgatory Creek will end at Hwy. 101..
Conrad asked whether the Park and Recreation commission would be
interest.ed in continuing- the trail into Chanhassen and up to
Lake.. Mr. Fiskness went. on to explain that financial assistance is
available through: the watershed district for special projects such
as this.
A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Rich Lyman
to file an application with the Riley Purgatory Watershed District
for $30,000.00 to assist. in the purchase of Lake Ann Phase II
Property.. Motion carried.
WARMING HOUSE: Denis Stedman reported he and Jerry Schlenk are
obtaining three bids and a sketch plan of the warming house as
requested by the City Council 0
LAKE MINNEWASHTA AD HOC COMMITTEE: A motion was made by Margaret
Thompson and seconded by Chuck Hirt to ask the City to underwrite
the cost of mailers from the Ad Hoc Committee to Minnewashta
residents. Motion carried.
PARI< SWIMMING REPORT: The Park and Recreation Commission discussed
Ben Hoffman 's report on the 1974 summer beach proqram. Further
discussion concerning the 1975 summer beach program will continue
early in 1975.
PARK_ORDINANCE: The park and Recreat.ion Commission continued to
review the Park Ordinance. The ordinance will be finished at a
future meeting.
A motion was made by Dwight Leatham and seconded by Rich Lyman to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
TIME: 10:45 p.m~
Vivian Beaugrand