PRC 1974 10 15 Park and Recreation Commission October 15, 1974 Chanhassen City Hall r \ I"'" The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission ,,,as called to order by Chairman Vivian Beaugrand on October 15, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. The following members were present: Richa't'd Lyman, Bill Enqebretson, Dwight Leathai1\ and Vivian Beaugrand.. Absent were Chuck flirt and Marqaret Thompson and Denis Stedman.. MINUTES: A motion was made by Richard Lyman and Seconded by Bill Engebretson to approve the mi.nutes of the October 1, 1974 meeting with the following addition: "Lake Minnewasht.a Ad Hoc Committee n : The Pa..rk and Recreation commission suggested a postponement ol the residents meeting to a later date to insure adequate participation. Motion carried. WATERSHED MEETING: Richard Lyman and Chuck Hirt at.tended the October 2, 1974, meetrnq of the Riley-Purgatory Watershed Ois-c.rict. as requested by t.he Wat.ershed Districi:. The Lake Ann Park plans were discussed. The Watershed District vl)t.ed unanimously to spport: the LAWCON application for T..eake Ann Phase II. ( '" The Administrator was asked by the Commission to prepare an application to the Wat.ershed District for $30,000 to assist in the purchase of L~e Ann Phase II property. MImlEWASHTA CITIZENS COMMITTEE: Rich Lyman reported around 60 residents attended the meeti'n'g requested by the Ad. Hoc committee. . Pat Murphy, Margaret Thompson, Rich LyllUlnq Tim Stone and a representative fran Hennepin Cou.nty also at.t.ended.. Dick Dutcher chaired the n\eet.inq 0 It. was noted that sites on Lake Waconia and Lake Minnewashta "Tere included in a priority park site list put. out by the Metropolit.an Council. Dick Dutcher will be present at. the October 29, 1914 Park and Recreation meetings to inform the Commission of the results of the interest survey taken by the Ad Hoc Commi 1:"tee.. BuDGET: The Administrator went over the proposed 1975 budget with 'Cbe Commission.. pAiU{ ORDINANCE: The Commission continued reviewing the Park Ordinance. LAWCON APPLICATION: The Park and Recreation Commission asked the Administrator t.o obtain a progress report on the LAWCON Application for the October 29, 1974 meeting_ NOTE: There will be no meeting on November 5 due t.o -the National Election. ,.... . A motion was made by adjourn the meetinq to Rich Lyman and .seconded by Bill Engebretson to Motion carried.. TIME: 10:30 poIDo Vivian Beaugrand Sec:cetary