PRC 1974 10 29
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J:"c)(mlar of the and H'B:C1,~':JB.1':j,on Comraission ~<7as called.
tu ():; by Chai.xman Viv:LEC<: ;':}(~,au,gJ:7Hc.~i.d on Oc;'-:,ober 29, 1974 at 7:15 porc 11l.eml:H~rs ~",~,~i:'{:! P:-:"'8.::.:e:i.1l; ~ DeniG Bi:.'3dman, Rich l~yman; Chuck
t r~ia:rgaL"et. fi'hompson c ])\d..';;ht: J~ea:;ham an.d Vi'vian Beaugrand.. Bill
E":H~:ehx~?tson 't.;as absent..
u:tt:=k Dt-d:::.(;;.rK~r represen:l.:ing ';::h/~ 1..<:.:1;:<'9;;"!I,:;u:~h.ta. l''1d Hoc Co!r.mittee ~Jld
,J,:1 llt::) ~r231e H.axt.incn.tii:ch an,] .Jim Kawll{)ltzl' Realt:ors for 'the N'aegle
P:;:-OI)(~!:,t.y 't'll'ere also presel'li:,
I~I:o:m'I;I'$: 2\ motion vIas mat.';h:;: hy Eich J:1ymaxl a;:1d seconded by ~Jigl1t Lea':~'j!,aJl1
'/:0= apprOve the minut:es of ';:ha Oct:obez 15 r 1974 with t.he addi';::.,ion
of tb.r.':: nard\-':; of Don rang" as represelJ.ti3.tlve of Hennepin Count.y at t.he
Iv1Jnne\tre~shta Citizem'i Comn:dtt:ee Meeting.. J:'Aotion carried.
rJENl~mW.f\.sHTA REGIONF..r. Pl\P..K i?ROPOSAJ:' QUESTI01\!NAIRE: Dick Dut.cher i'\7en.t
;:.;~:;;:.~:==rH:,:";--:~~~J ~7*'~o ....~-..-~"ql~:~.r-r. :ro~::':;;'a--.:r:~~~ w". =,r~ell>'<;ll!ldJ.o st"O"J.o ~u{.l:1:td "'''''0- 0 i
,..'1':-'[. ._~;,= ...,,~.;>u....'C':" OJ: ;;l!~ '-:f> 1::.i'.::l __. 1,1"" _..!.,(~O .:;.c;v e_ .... lJ...1;; .......... .'-'.
't~';;-,-t.(~~ J::'Ci:d:urned... 52, or 57~i.; sta:ted responses, .the reraaining
39" or 43% ';'J'ere posit.i'Ve" i.-\11 bu:i: OXle q'i.1.sstionnaire wanted restrlct:L',Il:3
of scrne ki~d placed on the pkooposal.. The informational meeting held
O;(t. Oct:oher 2~. 197-4 reflected si:fl.lilar responses as the mall outo
rI'ht~ Park and R.e(..::recr~:ion Cc-:rafdssio:n ~.;ould like '1:0 meet i,lJ'it.h rvlr.. Frenclt.
Q~i Mr~ Christian on No~~nber 19~ 1974 to further dis~ASS the matter,
RBSIJSJ.'X'A'IOR: X\ mo'cion vlaS m.aae by !)1;vight Leatham and seconded by
"""""".."'........'-""_.....~.':"':""a___~v. _ .....
CHu;,::;:k; H1.rt. '1:,0 g;cacuJUsly loan the J?aJ;.-k and RecreatJ.on resusJ.ta1::or -i:o
the Fi~e DeptQ during t.he months not needed at ~~e beachQ The Park
m?d Recrea:;:.lo1.i COJl'tlU:Lssio:n, does a~{: '1;:0 have it ret.urned with oxyg-en..
r'Ici'i':i.Oil cai-:ried e
trmm1IIi'lG FiOUSE ~ The Parlt ~nd RecrSt5l.t:tol1 CCl'fL'\i'1ission would like to hs:'Ilc:.'"
t~18 old house building m.oved to Lake ll>.nn Park.. It will be
l!seil a~";j a. st:oraga aIled locai.:ed close ~to tIle beac.b for the SlImmer wa:tc;L~~
pr~grall until funds are available to build one.
A. r,w.t.iC)1'l 'was made by D;,'right:
ad:iO<lZ'n tb33 111l~et:.:i.ilg at 8: 15
Candidates meeting~ Motion
Le~...i::hm11 and seconded by Chuck Birt to
p" the mE.:lt1bers could 'attend the
. -
8:15 p..m.
Vivian Beaugrand
Acting Secretary